A Short Meeting

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Hey guys, it's me!!
I can't wait for this chapter, Harry and Ron are good! Yipee!! I don't have anything against them, I just made them evil for drama...
Anywho, let's get on to the dramione!!

"Let's go." She said.   She grabbed me by the arm and apparated to Diagon Alley.  I saw Potty and the Weasel King. She said, in barely a whisper, "When I jump, you come over all big brother protective, got it?"
"Sure thing, Gra-" she elbowed me in the ribs. "Beverly-ouch!! Man, you're hurting me!" 
"Noooooo!" She said her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Call me Elise." 
"Kay, Elise."  She sashayed away. I didn't even know that Granger could sashay.  "Hello?" She said to the Golden duo in a fake Aussie accent. "Do you have a cell phone?  I need to contact my brother."
"What's a cell phone?" Weasley asked
"Muggle thing." Potter said, dismissing the subject. "I'm sorry umm-"
"Elise" she supplied
"Elise"he continued."I'm not carrying one."
"Ohh.." You've got to hand it to her, Granger is an amazing actress. "Hey," she said jumping, I made my way over to her. "I'm throwing a little get together, you can come. I'll owl you the deats(sp.?) err..."
"Harry" she said.
"Elise, where 'ave you been?" I said.
"Malfoy." Weasel said darkly. Granger forgot to transfigure my looks.

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