A Sidekick

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Locked. Inside some cell. Damn you Stranger "Oh Draco!" She said, sounding a a lot like Aunt Bellatrix. She had bought me a plate. "just say what you would like to have and my house elves will bring it to you." I wanted to order something complex, so I said, "Beef Wellington with a side of new potatoes and fettuccine in White sauce and then a strawberry and watermelon Baked Alaska served on top of pancake made the way Mother used to make them."
"Butterbeer"and sure enough, a Beef Wellington with a side of new potatoes and fettuccine in White sauce and then a strawberry and watermelon Baked Alaska served on top of pancake made the way Mother used to make them was brought to me by a house elf and a tankard of butterbeer from another. "Wow!" I said.
"Now Draco, you know Harry Potter, right?"
"Well, I attacked him. " This red haired woman was crazy. To much eyeliner. She was probably going to hurt
me as well. "And now you have no choice but to make up a new identity and help me torture Ron Weasley."
"Because otherwise I'll kill you. And I need a sidekick, because all good villains have sidekicks and you seem worthy enough to work for me."
"I meant why do you want to torture Weasley?"
"I will tell you when I trust you. "
" I am not so Good at fake identiTunes."
"I knew you would say that, so I made you one."
"Your name is Arsen Savage. I will now recreate your look." She waved her wand, and it looked familiar. She gave me a mirror. "My hair!" I wailed. " You get used to it." She replied. My hair was now black and long, and she had transfigured my face. "I unlike you can wear makeup so I only had to dye my hair, and got a perm so that it's wavy. So, Arsen. I have decided that you can come out of your little cage because only I can change you back to Malfoy. I invented this spell."
"You invent spells."
"Usually more painful ones."
"can I ask you a question?"
"You just did. But I shall permit you to ask another."
"What's your name?"
"I go by the name of Scarlett Ribbons. This is why I will leave and have left a scarlett ribbon by each of my victims. But I'll tell you my birth name in the morning." She paused. "Actually, I'll give you three clues; I was a Gryffindor, My hair was brown and I was someone you loathed. I have a very strong motive to hurt 2/3 of the Golden trio and all of the Weasleys of our generation but I will be okay with just torturing them." I have no idea who the hell this

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