A Story

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A Story
We landed in a very familiar shop. Yes we were in Quality Quidditch Supplies. But Granger didn't play Quidditch, so why would she be here? Then I saw a familiar Weasely. "Ginny!" Granger said. "Ginevra Molly Weasely will you just LISTEN to me!" Granger said, now gripping onto the she-weasel's arm. "There is nothing I haveto say to you because you are a bloody traitor who I don't care about."
"Listen to me please, Ginny."
"Don't call me that, only my friends can call me that." the Weaselette yanked her arm away from Hermione and shouted "I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!! YOU'RE A BLOODY TRAITOR!! TAKE A HINT!"  and ran from the shop.  then the present granger fell to the ground crying.  i pulled her up off of the floor and put a comforting arm around her.  the scene changed again.  We were in court.  "And what do you say, Miss.Granger?" Kingsley asked.  "I had no money, no home, no nothing.  There was only one thing that I could do."  prensent-Granger said.  Past-Granger cleared her throat and said, "It's all my fault."  there were gasps from the jury.  I saw her get pulled by dementors, to Askaban.  "I went to Askaban for three years, this next memory is just for you.  the ground changed beneath us.  I immediatley felt cold.  I was in a cell in Askaban.  My parents cell.  I saw Granger turn into a cat, and myself enter.  "Draco, dear, how are you?"  Mum asked. 
"I'm fine, how are you both?"
"We are fine."  i could see Granger watching intently.  I was oblivious to her before.  The conversation conitinued till I left.  Granger transformed again.  "I'll recruit him, if i have your permission." she said, wiping dust off of her tatty robes.
"You have our permission." Father said.
"You shared a cell with my parents?" I said, looking at her.  she nodded, the silent tears pouring down her cheeks.  we appeared in her room again, and I used my thumb to wipe her eyes.  Then i leant in and kissed her.  And she deepened the kiss.

Scarlett RibbonsWhere stories live. Discover now