A Shock

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A Shock
the next morning I woke up with a small idea of who this girl is. "So,"she said over breakfast, scrambled eggs. Sausages and toast,"have you found out who I am?"
"Lavender Brown." She slapped her forehead and sighed. I was wrong. Oops.
"I'll have to show you."  She got a cup of water and she poured it over her hair and splashed it on her face. Make up dribbled down her face, foundation, mascara and eyeshadow. She dabbed at her lips until they went back to a normal pinky colour. she had light foundation, to mask her skin, dark foundation to outline her cheekbones, nose and temple, to make her face look thinner, and less healthy. "Now do you know who I am?" She asked. 
"Granger.  Hermione Granger. Golden Girl. Smartest Witch of her Age. Harry Potter's little Mudblood. A criminal? When? Why? What? HOW?" I said that really fast.
"I'll tell you. I have trusted you with my identity, Malfoy. I can trust you with this."
"Okay. Spill."
"It'll be best if I tell you in a pensive."  We started walking down a corridor and then she said, "I guess it started when Ron Broke up with me. I was hurt by him, but more hurt by Harry, so I decided Harry would be my first victim. Then Ron, Ginny,George, Percy, Bill, Charlie, Molly and Arthur. I guess I probably should also hurt Lavender, but I'll get carried away and I'll kill her."  She stopped at a room. "I could possibly forgive the others, maybe after I get my revenge." She opened the door and then she selected a memory from the shelf, then another one and another one and another one. She ended up with 5 memories to show me. She put all eight in at once. She stirred the pensive and then cast a spell. "Now it'll show them in the order I want to show them in." I paused. "Dive in after me." And she stuck her head in the watery substance. I followed suit. My feet landed on hard gravel and I went and stood next to the red-head Granger and watched her and the Weasel. "Look Hermione, I love you." Ron said

"Ron I love you too."Hermione said.
"Ron, if love were water I'd give you the sea.  If love were ice I'd give you the North and South Pole. If love were laughter I'd give you a smile. If love was being together I'd give you forever."
"HERMIONE WOULD YOU LISTEN TO ME." He shouted at her. When she had said something so romantic. "I DON'T LOVE YOU AS MORE THAN A SISTER AND I NEVER WILL! I HAVE BEEN WITH LAVENDER, USING YOU FOR HOMEWORK AND GOOD GRADES!GOOD LUCK IN FINDING SOMEONE WHO WILL LOVE A BOSSY BINT LIKE YOU, WHO JUST GOES ON AND ON AND ON AND ON LIKE NO ONE HAS ANYTHING TO BE DOING! FACE IT YOU WILL LIVE ALONE AND THAT IS THE TRUTH!" Weasley was as red as his hair. Both Grangers were crying. I put my arm around the present Granger. "He killed me that day. Well, nearly. Harry was still there." And then we whirled away to a great house. Past Granger was crying again. "W-what d-do y-you mean by you don't-don't know m-me?"
"I mean I don't know who you are anymore. You hurt Ron."
"It was an accident, he used crucio and I used petrificus totalus and they combined and rebounded on him."
"LIAR! THIS JUST SO HAPPENED AFTER HE BROKE UP WITH YOU BECAUSE YOU CHEATED ON HIM! I NEVER KNEW THAT THERE WAS SOMEONE AS BAD AS VOLDEMORT RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE, I SHOULD HAVE LEFT LESTRANGETO KILL YOU! YOU CANNOT STAY HERE! BE HOMELESS! I DON'T CARE BECAUSE YOU ARE A NOTHING TO ME!" Potter started hitting Granger. "He left me homeless, without money. I had £50. I needed to spend that for a new plan that I had, to hurt Harry and Ron, like they hurt me."  She paused, as Granger fled from the house and we followed. "I spent my money and permanently died my hair red, for blood." The street before us spun again.

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