A Scandal

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"Extra!Extra!" Was all that could be heard for miles, even in the muggle world. A breaking news story in the television in the muggle world. It was not surprising that the perpetrator was nowhere to be seen. Potter had been attacked. I am trapped in my house, because all news reporters were at my door. "DracoMalfoy people think that it is you who has done this to Harry Potter. What is your response to this allegation?" If it wasn't that then it was "Mr. Malfoy what do you have to say about this incident?" Or even the stupid "There was a Scarlett ribbon left at the scene of the crime. What does this ribbon mean to you?" Honestly, it's not like these people have nothing better to do. Badgering a poor man. "Get out of my way or I will use the Avada Kedavra!" Someone shrieked. Someone knocked on the door. "Alohomora." This person said. "Draco Malfoy. You're coming with me.
"Why?" She just grabbed my arm and apparated me to a fortress.
" You may want to know who I am, Draco Abraxas Malfoy, but instead, you're just going to wait in this little cell, until I bring you food and we have a big old friendly catch up. " How could we catch up if I didn't even know who she is?

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