Ch. 14- The real thing

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Ally P.O.V.

I walked back to Sonic Boom after my break, and smiled at how organized the whole event was. Austin is the best boyfriend ever. I hugged him. "Thanks, again" and I smiled.

"No problem." He kissed my cheek and went up to the practice room to get ready for his big performance. He was gonna sing, I would do the auction, Trish was selling tickets to get in and for the concert, and Dez was selling the cupcakes.

I ran upstairs to help Austin. I knocked on the door. "Knock Knock"

"Who's there" He responded.

"Ally" I said with a giggle.

"Ally-Gator?" He asked, looking back at me. We both laughed.

"Yupp!" I sat down next to him on the piano. "Wanna go over the song one more time?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure"

Trish P.O.V.

"COME GET YOUR TICKETS!!!" I shouted. We've already made so much money. This was amazing! We were about to start. I took the money box and all of the tickets, and locked the door from the outside, becuase I was done selling tickets. I brought them up to the practice room, but I walked in on Austin and Ally kising. I knocked on the door to get their attention.

"Woah!" Ally shouted, falling off the piano bench. Austin laughed as he helped her up. I placed the money on the table. "Come guys, we're about to start!"

The two came down with me and Ally started to Auction off items such as instruments, electronics, and some really weird things from the olden days. I walked over to Dez and kissed him on the cheek. "Hey there" I said, winking at him. He winked back, and we were both laughing. "So how many cupcakes did you sell?"

He pointed over to the table. "All of them" He said with a smirk.

"Dez... you didn't eat them all, did you?"

"NO! I even put the money box up in the practice room to prove it."

"Okay then..." I said.

Austin P.O.V.

I was kind of nervous to perform. I never get nervous, it's just that this is really important. If I mess up, everyone will think I'm terrible and want a refund. I did my vocal warmups before I went on the stage.

"Go get 'em tiger" Ally said, and she kissed me. "Thanks babe" I said, and I walked on the stage.


"WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" Went the crowd.

"I'm Austin Moon, and I'm gunna sing a song for you!" The crowd cheered for me again, and I began to sing "Steal you Heart"

After I finished the song, I made a big announcement to everybody. "EVERYONE!!!! I'm so psyched that all of you came tonight. This is a really special event. We might lose Sonic Boom, and we're trying to save it as much as we could. Please, make a few extra donations in the box on the counter. GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!" I hopped off the stage and I was glad when I saw many more donations being addded in. When the event was over, we all went into the practice room to count how much money we made, but something was wrong.

"DEZ!!! YOU DID EAT ALL OF THE CUPCAKES!" Trish yelled at Dez.

"No, no! I swear, I put the box right next to Trish's!"

"Now we don't have enough money! Dez, you have to find that box." I said to Dez, and we ran out to search for it.

Austin and Ally: "Romances and Rummaging"Where stories live. Discover now