Ch. 6- Do I like him..?

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Hey guys! Haha. Okay, well I'm dedicating this chapter to you, Skyofpie!! Because you're my only follower, and I think there's only like one other reader, and I just luv yhu gurlll! Lool, sorry, I'm just an awkward unicorn. So I hope you continue reading and hopefully suggest this to your other friends. The only reason I'm actually continuing this is becuz of u and cuz I just love writing this, so I don't really care how many people are reading (though it's be nice if a lot of people were) ;D. Sorry for the long Author's note, here's chapter 6!!

Ally P.O.V.

Dear Diary,

When I got home, my dad immediately noticed my dripping mascara. "Oh, it's raining outside." I said. it really was raining, and I just didn't want to talk about Dallas. Oh wait, I never told you. Long story short, Dallas already had a girlfriend, so I mean, she showed up on the date and I basically ran out crying. But he's out of my life for good. Even though I'm done with all of that, there's something else going on.


I mean, I don't know if I like him. I mean, yeah he's cute. Slightly cuter than Dallas. And his big brown eyes. Oh it's so cute when he makes that puppy dog face! I mean, It's so annoying that whenever he wants something, he puts on that puppy dog face. And if I did date him, with his career taking off, we might get a bunch lot hate from his fans. Did I mention how Austin came to pick my up from my date? Well, I called him to pick me up. And when he did, we kissed! I really felt sparks flying all around us. Does Austin even like me though? I'm pretty sure he does, because he keeps dropping hints. I hope he does! No, wait, i mean I hope he doesn't. Ughh! We'll talk more another time.

Yours truely,


I finished writing in my book. I just had the urge to write, because as soon as I came home I dashed up there to write. Okay, well I shut my book and walked into my bathroom. I grabbed some eye-makeup remover and cotton balls to get rid of the mascara on my face. I took off the rest of my makeup with it. I re-straightened my hair, because I love my hair straightened, and I put it in a high ponytail. I got on my mac and video chatted Trish on ooVoo.

*Ring ring ring* My computer said.

'Calling PrincessTrish911 on ooVoo' My computer screen read. She finally answered.

(Bold: Ally! Italics: Trish!)

Hay Ally! So how was the big date.


Omg Ally, what happened?!

Well, turns out Austin was right. He actually did have a girlfriend named Jennifer who he was texting the whole entire time. She showed up and I just lost it. I ran out crying.

Aww Ally, I'm so sorry!

It's okay... I mean, it wasn't all bad. The ending turned out pretty good.

What happened? *She asked, leaning into the camera*

Well, after I locked myself into a bathroom stall I called Austin to come pick me up. And then when he came, we had a long hug, and then we kissed! WE KISSED!! I mean, it was my first kiss, and he's actually not a bad kisser. But I don't even know if I like him. Does he like me, because he keeps dropping hints. For instance, he commented on the picture I posted on Tweeter saying I looked really pretty, and then the kiss, the constant blushing!

Y- I can't tell you..

Wait, he does?!

You didn't hear anything from me.

Whatever. I mean, I don't know if I like him. What if he asks me out, and then something happens and we break up? It'll ruin everything.

Well it sure seems like you like him.

I stoped talking and started thinking. Did I like Austin? Yes! No! Yes! No! Yesssss! Okay, I sort of, kind of, maybe like Austin.

Yeahhh, I like Austin!

We both squealed. Our happiness soon ended when I heard Trish's mom telling her to get off the computer, so Trish had to go. After I got on my pajamas, I grabbed my book and my reading glasses and basically wrote Austin's name a thousand times. And then on a new page I drew a huge heart. On top of it, I wrote Auslly , which was the couple name I came up for me and him. I know right, dorky! But I really couldn't help myself. Inside of the heart, I wrote

A + A = <3

Austin and Ally

I then wrote this whole paragraph about how great and sexy Austin is. OMG! Okay, before I was second guessing myself about liking him but now I know I REALLLY like him. I found a picture of just the two of us and glued it inside. I then fell fast asleep.


I was walking into sonic boom, dressed in my pink bikini because I just got back from the beach. I noticed Trish and Dez talking on the couch. Trish wearing her cheeta print one peice bathing suit with her matching hat and Dez wearing his orange, green, and white checkered swim trunks and his green t-shirt with a seahorse on it. But then I looked over at Austin who seemed to be staring at me. He was wearing nothing but...A THONG! My mouth dropped open, and dayum he looked smokin'! I walked up to him and we kissed, my stomach growing butterflies. I looked into his eyes as he said "Hey babe". I guess we were dating in my dream... I gliggled as I blushed, playing with my hair like I always do when I'm nervous. Sometimes I even chew on it. I said

"Hey my Austy boo!". He took my hand and we walked to the beach, even though I just came back from the beach. The water was glistening in the sunlight, and we were the only ones there. We ran into the water, still holding hands. Then Illusion by Austin started playing, so we were dancing in the water as we jumped over waves. Then Trish and Dez were standing on the hot summer sand, and the seahorse on Dez's shirt popped off and turned into a real seahorse! "Woahh!" Me and Austin said at the same time. It swimmed over to us. We both hopped on, and we had another magical kiss.

Ally P.O.V.

I woke up at about 5 in the morning, kissing my pillow. "Ahh!" I said, pulling away. I took a deep breath. "Darn, it was just a dream." My book was on my lap; I guess I fell asleep while I was writing. I picked it up and started writing about my crazy dream. I then put my book on the chair next to my bed and fell back asleep.

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