Ch. 2- Dating

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Ally P.O.V.

I dashed over to Sonic Boom to see Austin, Trish, and Dez were all waiting for me. "GUESS WHO HAS HER FIRST DATE ON FIRDAY, WHAT WHAT?!?!

Trish and Dez laughed. Austin clapped as he walked over to me. "Congrats!" He said, hugging me. Dez walked over. "Wait, did you say your first date?" Dez asked. I was so embarrassed that I actually just said that in front of them. Trish already knows but I mean the guys.. "Yeah." I mumbled as I walked behind the front counter. "It's okay." Dez reassured me. "I've only been one one date with this girl in the seventh grade. Of course she had to cheat me but, I've moved on. You guys know I like T-" Dez stopped. I can't believe he was about to say that in front of her, Trish!!! I wonder who Trish likes.  

Dez covered his mouth. He screamed into his hand and speed-walked out of the shop. "What was that all about?" Trish asked.

"I don't know, its not like me and Ally know, aha" Austin lied. He walked up the steps to the practice room. 

"So Trish, who do you like?" 

"Oh me? Oh I uhm..." Trish stumbled upon what to say. "I don't know, and It's been driving me crazy!! I mean, I kinda like Dez but at the same time I think it's so gross! I don't know, and even if I did like him, he said he's moved on.." 


"Uhh Ally, y-you don't really need to do that". I could tell Trish wanted her crush to be top secret, but Dez likes her back! Austin came running down the steps. "WHAT'S WRONG?" 

"Silly, nothing's wrong Austin! Trish likes Dez!! Text himm!!!!" 

"ALLY NO IF DEZ EVER FINDS OUT I AM GOING TO DIE, YOU CAN'T JUST TELL HIM!!!" Trish yelled. Trish was totally freaking out. "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" 

"No, Trish, Dez realllly likes you. Like, really." Austin said while he took out his phone. 

"AHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Trish screamed in excitement. Me and Austin laughed. My best friend was going to have a boyfriend!!

 Trish P.O.V.

"Hurry up Austin, text him!!!" I yelled. Oh my lord Jesus I can't believe Dez actually likes me!!! He's so cute, with his red hair and freckles. I feel really bad for being mean all the time, but that's just my personality. Me and Ally were jumping up and down as we waited for Dez to arrive, if he was even coming. "Austin, what'd he say?!"

"Trish, he's typing! He was probably freaking out like you just did.". Austin said. That made me guy has ever really felt that way about me. Freaked out about me. I felt so happy, and loved. When I was with Trent, he only used me to be Austin's background dancer. Other than that, no other guy's really asked me out or anything. As a kid, I would always get bullied for being fat. It made me so upset.

"Okay, he's on his way." Austin said.

"Oh My God, I'm so excited but nervous at the same time!!" I said. That's how I really felt though. I kinda just wanted to hide, but then I'd never be with Dez.

"Ally, why don't we go work on that new song?" Austin asked Ally. Then he whispered something to Ally but I couldn't make out what is was.

"Okay." She responded. They went up to the practice room and shut the door. Great, only to make me even more nervous. But, it would also be embarrassing if they were here and I messed up. I applied some lip gloss and waited on one of the couches.

Dez's P.O.V.

When I got Austin's text, my eyes just opened wide. I was so shocked. To be honest, I thought this whole thing was a joke. But I realized it wasn't, because Austin would never do that to me. We're brothers.

I walked up to Sonic Boom and hid behind a bush because I wasn't so ready to go in yet. I combed my hair with my fingers and pulled down my shirt. I took a deep breath. Good think I brushed my teeth before I came here. You know, just in case. My hads were super sweaty so I wiped them on my pants. Okay, I finally walked in. It was the most nervous I've ever been in my entire life. Trish smiled as she looked up at me. "Hey Trish" I said nervously. I sat down next to her. I looked into her eyes. I couldn't believe it, this moment is finally happening. She responded with a hey.

"So uh, Trish, um, I-I-I really like you.." I blushed. She probably noticed but I didn't really care.

"Dez, I really like you too. I'm really sorry for being so mean all those times.. I just didn't want it to be obvious." Trish said, which really made me smile. I also noticed her blushing, which made me smile even more.

"It's okay.". I scooted a bit closer to her on the couch. Our faces were a bit closer now, and I looked into her beautiful chocolate eyes. That's when I did it. I leaned in and kissed her. I was so happy when she kissed back. I felt such sparks. I didn't realize Austin and Ally were watching from upstairs until I heard the Aws coming from the two.  I pulled out of the kiss. We were both smiling. I took her hand as I stood up.  "Trish De la Rosa, will you go out with me?" I asked.

"Yes!!" Trish exclaimed. She kissed me again. I blushed. "Dez, it's so cute when you blush." She said. Then I really couldn't stop blushing. "No, you look cuter!" I said. We held hands as we walked up the steps into the practice room.

"Awww! Trish and Dez, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!" Ally chanted. Austin laughed.

Austin P.O.V.

Wow, Dez and Trish. Trez. Or Drish. No, I like Trez better. But anyways, I kinda feel left out. I mean, I know not everything has to be about me but with Trez going on and Ally's date with Dallas... I'm the only single guy now. And that's pretty strange, because I'm Austin Moon. I've been feeling a little weird lately too. Like my chest has been hurting. Maybe because of Ally...

Okay, fine. I kind of like Ally. But it's not like one of those things where I think about her all the time. I don't know.. Now that I'm really thinking, I'm not even sure if I'd ever be ready to be more than friends with Ally. She's pretty cute, and I love the way she smiles. Okay, yeah, I like her.

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