The bathroom door was suddenly slammed open and in came Troye with a terrified look on his face. Ignoring the fact I was completely naked, he rushed to grab a beige towel from the rack. He quickly got to the shower and turned off the running water. His hands encased the towel and threw the fabric around my shoulders. Now wrapped in the towel, Troye cradled me in the cocoon and sat  down on the tiled floor.

"Shh. Shh. Don't cry baby don't cry. Your okay. Your okay."

I felt his warming touch as hot tears continually streaming down my cheeks, thus choking me up even more.

I wasn't close to being okay.

Troye kept up with my crying by rubbing small circles onto my back as well as running his fingers through my wet hair.

We must've stayed like this for an hour and it took everything for me to get up.

"Thank you. I don't know what happened..I just..his hands wont go away and.."

"Shh. Connie don't worry please. It's just thoughts. It's all thoughts and memories in your head. He's gone now okay? He won't hurt you anymore."

"I know...I just.."

I trailed off and let a few more tears trickle down my cheeks.

"I'm broken."

"Your not broken baby your just very bent."

I sighed at his attempt to make the situation seem better and I wrapped myself tighter into the towel. Standing up, I looked down to find Troye's reassuring face.

"We should probably eat breakfast."

He nodded solemnly and stood up as well.

"Here I'll help you get dressed."

Any other day I would've argued or teased Troye for being overly flirty but right now, having Troye help me get dressed seemed like the best way to deal with my breakdown at the moment.

I stood in the drafty lake house, only clutching my towel as Troye rummaged through the rustic drawer where I kept spare clothes.


In his hands were a well styled yet comfortable looking outfit; my favorite green hoodie, grey joggers, black nikes, and a grey beanie.

"On second thought, I think I will take this."

Troye smirked and handed me the bundle, keeping the beanie to himself.


He hopped away and I knew it wasn't worth chasing him so I went into the bathroom again and quickly changed into the more comfortable outfit.

As I walked out in my clothes, Troye smirked at me again and led me to the screen door . that ultimately led to the main house.

Had he been checking me out?


Noticing the sky, overcast with clouds, I predicted either rain or snow. Most likely snow especially since it's the end of February. Both Troye and I were walking down the dirt path to the building when I began to grow cold.

My hair was still wet.

"Troye I'm coldddd. Seriously give me the fucking beanie."

"Well at least be nice about it!"

I scoffed but asked nicely for it anyway.

"May I, Connor Franta, pretty please have that beanie so I don't freeze my ass off?"

white on white [sequel] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now