Chapter 2-Summary of Me...Juliet Castrow

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                             after I posted this i got a lot of comments which I of course love and I was thinking...If I can get three comments and three votes I will post the next chapter! Thanx so Much to XSuicidalChick for helping me with this book!


Juilet Castrow......My LIfe


All my life I have been a good kid. When I was 1 I learned to talk and soon leared to walk. I always cleaned up after myself when I was at Preschool in Chicago and when I moved on to Kindergarten I recieved the good manners award. I know it doesn't seem GREAT now but it was a big deal then.

When I moved on to first grade I got straight A's the whole year and that continued through Elementary school. When I got into Junior High I started to get pretty. I mean I was a adorable kid don 't get me wrong but man I was really lookin' awesome!

 I kept up my good grades through Junior High and by the time I was in High school I was a babe. I have long dark brown hair, I am smart, my cup size is a little 'bove average which guys like! I have awesome chocolate brown eyes, and I always wear the cutest clothes.

I kept up my good grades even in Junior year by that time I had guys asking me out everyday. Then the day after school ended my dad quit his job because he found another one...In New York. Now this was just a few months ago. I hated moving. I loved Chicago and all my friends and I just had to move,

So I am now in New York and school starts tomorow! You have no idea how frightened I am. I've never been to other school except for moving from Elementary to Middle to High school. I knew no one and worst of all I knew that I would been the new kid!

I hate being the new kid! Even as a seventh grader or freshman I always hated when kids watched you walk down the hallways. Although everybody watched me when I walked down the hallways! I don't mean to be vain but I was beautiful. I had a boyfriend who was coming to visit in a week. School starts earlier here than in Chicago.

I don't love Tyler...but he's sweet. He always takes care of me and he's handsome to. But I don't really think it's gonna last. I am a firm believer that long-distance realashonips DON'T work out. But I don't know might as well try right?

I had no more brothers or sisters. Which sucks! Being the only child sucks! My mom Sybrina and my dad Tom are great parents. They trust me as a 17 (almost 18) year old. They are so fun and I have been a little harsher since we moved but hey I'm upset!

Like I said I have always been a good girl. I don't go to parties....often. I always am home before curfew and I always call if I'll be late. I have always gotten striaght A's on my report card because I want to get into a good college, and no matter how many times guys have tried....I'm still a virgin! And I'm proud of it.

I would like to wait till marriage or until I know that I am in love with someone. It's called making love isn't it? Anyways....I have had a lot of guys that have tried to take advantage of me and yes I fought my way out sometimes. I am super tough, I'm not athletic I'm just tough.

I'm really fun and flirty and I don't mind getting dirty. But I have always been in the popular circle. But unlike most others I treat EVERYONE nicley. I'm also VERY sarcastic and very funny, I'm proud to admit I'm a dork!

And last but not least my name! I HATE IT! Everyone always refers to me as Juilet Capulet. I know I was named after her and somewhere in the world my mom's best friend's son may be named Romeo but I hate my name! I hate that my last name starts with the first two letters of hers! CAstrow....CApulet!

I don't know why I hate it so much I just do. My mom said that there could be a Romeo out there! Why did she have to make that stupid promise....and more importantly why did she keep it?

So yeah...that's a summary of the life of Juliet Castrow!

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