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luke and maria talked over lunch. they enjoyed each other's company like they were close friends instantly.

"haha soo..." luke said nervously while playing with his thumbs. "could i.... get your number?"

maria smiled. "you already have it... lucas ;)"

luke was dumbstruck.


macy aka maria smiled widely.


"Maria A. Caseda. MACy. the perfect code name for someone i thought was a pedo :)"


"yup. i didn't plan this whole thing i was surprised to find out too yesterday... are you mad?"

"mad? im so happy! now i know you and..."

he stopped.


he covered his hands with his face. "uhh it's so embarassing that i was texting you about what i thought about you. it's like 'hey i have a crush on you since 3rd grade. tell me how to talk to you.' uhhh its so stupid."

macy smiled. "it's okay luke... i actually think it's really cute :)"

his eyes said really??

macy nodded her head.

luke continued being text mates with macy

and lovers with maria



sUCKY LAST CHAPTER SORRY but theres a lil last author note after this so yah haha !!

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