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macy hurriedly went up to her room, threw her backpack, and shut the  door behind her, still shocked at what was happening.

"oh. my. god." she told herself. "no no no no, maybe im just imagining things." her phone rang.

luke: macy i think it went great!! she was a little shy but i think its cool (: we barely got to talk bc the stupid bell rang. im gonna try to talk to her again tmrw. :)

macy threw her phone "OH MY GOD HE IS LUKE." she screamed.

"maria!" her mother screamed in a spanish accent. "what's going on up there?"

"nothing, mother." she screamed back.

"what am i gonna do? didn't i want this? why am i panicking? am i in a dream???" she thought. "luke likes me? but i like him! but maybe he just likes maria not macy... wHAT?!!?"

she thought a while. she lay on her bed and was ready to face tomorrow.


oMG MARIA IS MACY??? THAT'S SO obvious haha sorry if im to obvious guys i just thought it would be cute ok bye

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