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You kept running as fast as your little legs could run, the green scaly creature was gaining up on you and you couldn't run faster your legs were too short, a tail then wrapped around your ankle yanking you roughly backwards forcing you to fall onto the ground, you looked up terrified as it bared it's sharped teeth.

You shook in fear, you took a deep breath and let out a scream filled with horror, you were scared for your life and you preyed that someone or anyone heard your scream, the creature growled and raised it hand up in the air to swipe its claws at you, you shut your eyes waiting to be clawed apart but no attacks came, you opened your eyes to see Raph and Leo fighting the creator off and Donnie and Mikey were next to you, Donnie was checking for any injuries and Mikey was crying, Once Donnie said you weren't injured Mikey calmed down and Raph and Leo finally fought off the creator so they went to you and their brothers.

Raph picked you up as Leo crossed his arms giving you a stern look he may only be eight but he gives scary stern looks or at least according to you but you were only five after all.

"Y/N HAMATO! You are in soooo much trouble!" Leo spoke in a stern voice

You looked down guilty, They all started making their way back to the lair as Raph carried you in his arms protectively.

TMNT Little Sister ScenariosNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ