four // mistakes

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After Monday had ended, the rest of the week seemed to fly by until this morning hit. I laid awake all last night, anticipating the party later on. I had finally fallen asleep at midnight, and was exhausted all day today. I had actually fallen asleep in third period, ending up in missing half the information we were learning for this first unit. After that, I made myself keep my eyes open, again failing during sixth period, causing Ashley to wake me up by moving my arm out from beneath my head. Needless to say, today wasn't exactly the best, but I could hope that tonight would at least be something to make up for the last few months, including what today had ended up in.

Not only had I fallen asleep in two classes, missed a review in a class I'm already too close to failing in, and had gotten a massive headache, I woke up late also. I woke up just as first period was beginning, got to school in the middle of second and fell asleep in third. Fifth wasn't that great either, in the circumstances of Tyler and I stood in still. Nothing had changed from Monday's class all the way throughout the week, and I wasn't really expecting anything to. magically change today. I was beginning to accept the fact that Tyler and I were gone together, and I was almost ready to start heading down a different path with someone else, or at least I tried to convince myself I was.

Can you blame me? Once you have a friend for over a decade it's tough trying to come to your senses and realize the fact that there is breakage there. I've been trying to deny it for months now, and I'm just deciding to open my eyes to see it be reality. I wish I could turn it back, but I don't have to tools to and really it takes two to bring a relationship together, and I'm not so certain Tyler's on the same page I am.

That was one of the millions of reasons why I couldn't possibly wait to get out the door and to, what I assumed to be, Ashley's house. I was already ready about half an hour ago, but the party didn't start from another two hours. I was bored beyond belief by the amount of time it takes for the second hand to circle the clock twice. It's practically taking forever; I was ready to strangle the dang machine until it's numbers fell out and the clock struck the time I was to leave. But, of course, I kept my anger within, not wanting my parents to ground me for strangling a clock, because knowing them; they'd do that sort of thing. They might even go as far as sending me to a mental hospital, even when I don't exactly need it.

Mental hospital's have your name written all over them, you practically belong there.


The clock had struck 8; and I was sick of waiting, so instead of tapping away for another 30 minutes until I could get away from these nauseating thoughts, I headed straight out the door, without another word to be said. I had left the mandatory note on the fridge saying the time I'd be back and where exactly I'll be; it was something required for each of the kids in the house, even though most were already graduated. Once we were all taught to drive, we all had the requirements of leaving the house, taught the routine and the mandatory slip on the fridge. Now-a-days I could just send a text to them, but it was just something I had grown accustomed to, I didn't think twice about it anymore. That little idea was one of the few that sparked over to the Joseph's household too, their note slipping before the left became such a mandatory thing it was called the D.J. (Dun; Joseph) slip. I think it was Madison who came up with that lame name, but it did stick with our two families.

I've actually missed the Joseph's in the time Tyler and I have been absent from each other. Zack, Madison and Jay were like second siblings to me, and not seeing them for months on end hurt me just as much as it was not to see Tyler too. I couldn't possibly forget Kelly and Chris, Tyler's parents, they were my second Mom and Dad, the parents I told practically everything to, the things I couldn't bare bring up to my parents. Come to think of it, his whole family was my get away from home and my shoulders to lean on. How could it be so easy to let such important lives drift away without a fight to lose? What could've possibly been going through my head in those few minutes back down below those stairs?

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