41. I Care

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Blake POV

It was 10 o'clock and my parents were just getting here

"Hey son" My dad walks into the living room

"Blake sweetheart?, someone's waiting for you" My mom walks in and she kisses my cheek

"Who is it?"

"Just go"

I walk and I see her , she looked nervous.

"Hey , what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see how you were doing, your dad said you weren't feeling well but you seem fine" she smiles


"Blake , I love you"

"I love you too Loren but I think it's best for us to move on"

She looks down and she starts to cry

"Hey , hey don't cry Loren-"

She places her hand on my chest and my heart felt like it had broken into pieces

"You're engaged?"

"Yeah, he proposed.."

I stay quiet and walk away from her

"Blake , Blake where are you going?"

"I can't look at you right now"

"Why ? What did I do?" She yells

"You said yes!"

She stayed quiet and her expression changed..

"It's not my fault you had to go on and cheat on me, it's not my fault he was there when you weren't , it's not my fault he fell in love with me!" She walks up to me

"Just leave" I yell and push her lightly and she falls on the yard

I notice what I did and I start apologizing

"Shit , Loren I'm sorry" I try helping her up but she moves away and puts her arm out

"Don't touch me" she cries "All I wanted from you was love , that's all I asked for Blake , I wanted you to comfort me after my moms death and you couldn't even do that , you only care about yourself"

"Loren that's not true-"

"What's going on here?" My mom walks outside & notices Loren was on the grass

"Blake what did you do?" She yells and tries to help Loren up but Loren just cried

"That's all I wanted Blake.." She stood up and walked away

"Blake Austin Griffin! What the hell did you do to her?" My mom yells at me

"Not now mom" I say walking inside my house


Loren POV

"I told you how you hurt me, baby
But you don't care
Now I'm crying and deserted, baby
But you don't care
Ain't nobody tell me this is love
When you're immune to all my pain
I need you to tell me this is love
You don't care. Well, that's okay"

I was driving home with tears running down my face. How could he blame me for this? I said yes because I .. Well I didn't know , I loved Eddie but I love Blake as well.. I guess you can say I'm confused.

I kept getting calls from Blake but I couldn't answer , he's done enough. Gail called me and I didn't tell her that Blake had pushed me , I just lied and said I decided to sit down because my heels were hurting my feet, she apologized and said she'd talk with her son . I called Eddie and told him I was going to Allyson's house , she wanted to see the ring.

Eddie was the happiest I've ever seen him after I said yes . He deserves to be happy and I do too , maybe letting Blake go was what I needed. I got to Allyson's condo and she hugged me once I knocked on her door..

"Look I know you still love him but I think it's time Loren.. You gotta let him go" she says bring me a big chocolate chip cookie and some milk

"Thank you" I smile at her and she wipes my tears

Her and DeAndre have been dating for a while now and she was always happy , it took them this long to admit there feelings for each other.

"How are you and Deej?" I ask drinking some milk

"Goo- , OH MY GOD IT'S BEAUTIFUL" she grabs my hand and looks at my ring "He's a keeper"

"I know he is" I chuckle and she stares at me

"Let's go on vacation, just you and me. You need it"

"Ugh I- I don't know? I just got engaged then who's gonna watch Briella?"

"She'll come with us"

"Where are you planning on going?" I ask

"Well we , not just me! How about Greece?"

"Greece?" I take another bite of the cookie

"Yes. So what do you say?"

"Fine" I smile

"That's my girl! We're going to Greece!!"

His Lolita (Blake Griffin Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora