the fish boy

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Be dave ====>

After you almost losing your voice calling out for your brother, you realize how fucking hungry you are. You look to the washed up part of the shipwreck . Some of it was just scraps, but there were also some metal containers and the front end of the lifeboat you were on before landing on the island. You remember that some lifeboats have food supplies and water cans in case of emergency. You run over, hoping you got the end that had the bag of supplies. You climb up and search around, only to find nothing. You let out a long, exasperated sigh. " ....fucking. ..great" you groan as you jump off of the broken lifeboat . You glance around to see some washed up suitcases. Looking down at your tattered, soaking wet clothing, you figure that you could probably use new ones. You gather up all of the suitcases that you could find and start opening them. The first one you open clearly belonged to a girl; beauty products , pads, panties and .....and.... booby traps. You rummage through it thankfully to find suntan lotion! . You cheer a little before putting some on. You spend a while looking in the suitcases. You managed to find clothing to fit your taste and size, but the last suitcase was locked. You grumbled to yourself and got a stick. Then you searched for a rock. You put the stick in the keyhole best you could and hit the other end with the rock, popping the case wide open. " thats right ladies, i'm a badass" you say with a smug look on your face, even if you knew you were alone. Your eyes drop in amazement . The suitcase was full of junk food and candy . You figure the owner couldn't get it past customs so they took a boat. You take out a bag of chips and a candy bar at start eating them like mad. You finish, your hunger satisfied some, but the dry throat didn't really help .... " well, dave, this is where you actually become a badass". You walk to the entrance of the jungle in the distance and walk into it . " please don't let there be any man eating things here... please don't let there be any man eating things here... ". You repeated quietly as you walked through. One thing any movie or show taught you is if there's moss, there's water . You squat down and look at a moss covered rock before heading off in that direction, soon coming across a small small waterfall leading to a pond. You smile and go over, cupping your hands and dipping them into the lake, making extra sure to smell the water before you drink it. It felt nice and refreshing, going down your throat. You drink until you couldn't drink anymore. You got up and memorized the way here before going back to the beach. You sprawled out on the sand and just laid there. Hours ticked by as the sun beats down on you. Something got washed up by the wave and it touched your hand some when it came in. You glanced over to see that it was bros' sunglasses. Your eyes widen as you grab them. " BROOO!!!" you flew up and ran down the beach, looking at the ocean and calling out your brother's name, not paying attention to what's in your path. You get to a small rock pile and didn't really wanna slow down so started to jump on them . You leap and your foot hits somethings, making you fall and tumble. " ow what the shellfish was that for !?" The something said. You realize the something was a person. You scramble over to them " HOW DID YOU GET HERE?! " You demand, adrenaline pumping. "...uh...a storm washed me here???" He said. " from a ship!?" You ask urgently "........a ship?" He repeats, confused. You calm down some to see his lover half tangled in some nets and covered by some rubble of the ship. You calm some just to panic again. "Oh..oh fuck holy shit are you okay " . You said . He replied " yea...thanks oh and- ...OH MY GOD YOU'RE A HUMAN?!" . He started to squirm and yell out in fear, trying to get away from you. You look confused but you see his ears... well they weren't quite ears.... more like fins. You froze "ear fins?" . You look down and behind the rubble to see a bright blue fish tail where his legs should have been. You both freeze and stare at each other. He was scared of you and you were just shocked and scared too. You take off running back to your little camp . The boys face got grim and he curled up best he could " he's gonna tell on me to other humans....they're gonna kill me... do horrible tests.....i'm gonna be the one that brings doom to my race .... " he trembles, scared out of his mind. " jake... come back... i'm scared... "

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