"Hey, J? Who's home?" He asked making his way from the roof, where the Quinjet landed, to the living area.

"Miss Potts is in the living room, Sir."

As soon as the British AI finished, Tony had stepped into the living room and saw the large flat screen playing a video.

His home video.

Tony marched around the couch that the strawberry blonde was lounging on and snatched the remote off the table. He paused the VHS tape on his mother's smiling face.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He snapped.

Pepper sat up straighter with a confused look on her face.

"What are you-"

The other Avengers jogged in at this time and looked at the two.

"Is everything okay?" Pepper asked confused.

"No, everything is not okay!" Tony said, growing angrier by the second.

"Tony," Steve warned and walked over the the billionaire, "calm down, okay?"

Pepper still looked confused and stood up.

"What happened?" She asked warily. Why was he yelling at her? Did she do something wrong? She didn't understand what was happening. Why is Tony so angry with her?

"Pepper, why did you enter the tower when it was on lockdown?" Bruce asked because Tony didn't look capable of asking.

"I-I just had to grab some files for Stark Industries," she explained slowly and looked at Tony.

"I couldn't find them but I found these tapes and I didn't think you'd mind-"

"Of course I fucking mind! This is my fam-" Tony stopped his rant to throw the remote at the wall angrily, "This is my personal stuff! You don't go through these!"

Tony grabbed the handful of VHS tapes that sat on the coffee table and waved them in her face for emphasis.

"Tony, you really need to calm down," Clint warned. The other teammates didn't know what to say.

"Oh? But I am calm? I'm calm right? I'm so fucking calm it's scary," Tony said giving a twisted laughed. Bruce shook his head at his lab partner. He understood how Tony gets when he's really pissed at something.

"Steve, maybe you should-" Bruce made a simple head gesture out of the room and Steve nodded in understanding.

He discreetly took Tony's hand in his led him out of the overcrowded room and into the hallway.

"Just breathe, okay?" Steve coached when they were alone. He inhaled and exhaled dramatically until Tony got the hang of it.

"It's not that big of a deal, okay? It was a mistake and no one bad is in here," Steve explained slowly.

"I-I know and I would have been fine but-"

"Shh, it's okay," Steve soothed and pulled the smaller man into his chest. Steve just figured the break up was hard between the billionaire and the secretary. In reality, Tony felt more than that.

"Why would she watch them?" He asked muffled in Steve's muscular chest. He just felt so betrayed by his former girlfriend. He felt like his past and personal space had been invaded.

The fact that Tony was already upset with her before he found her watching the videos was the icing on the cake.

"She probably didn't watch that much," Steve said stroking Tony's back absentmindedly.

Tony sniffed, "Tell me something happy."

"Um, like what?"

"Anything," Tony said unclenching his fist and wrapping his arms around the super soldier.

"Uh," Steve racked his brain for things to say, "I love your eyes."

Tony laughed lightly and Steve mentally face palmed for sounding so stupid.

"Why? They're just brown," Tony asked because he didn't think there was anything special about his eyes.

"But that's why I love them. While mine are just a boring blue, yours are beautiful. They remind me of chocolate. Not regular chocolate either, but the kind that's bitter sweet."

Interested, Tony stared up at him with wide doe eyes while Steve continued.

"Your eyes express so much emotion. I can tell when you're upset, angry, or joyful all by looking in those captivating eyes of yours. They draw me in and I can't help but to get lost in them."

Tony's heart fluttered. No one had ever told him anything like that before. There was more much passion in that one explanation then Tony had in any relationship.

He leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to Steve's cheek. He stayed there for a while, noses touching, before leaning the rest of the way to meet Steve's lips with his. He felt much more calm and at ease as Steve's lips moved in sync with his. Tony's hand was snaking up up Steve's muscle tee when an obnoxious, high pitched voice interrupted them.



Omg...I understand why people have co-authors now. I'M SORRY THIS UPDATE TOOK LONGER THAN EXPECTED!

I actually love this chapter. It's one of my favorites because of the third person. :)))

I don't have much to say other than I'm really trying to stay constant with updates for you guys.

I love you guys and thanks for reading my stories!


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