Strawberry Ice Cream

Start from the beginning

Fear of pumpkin carriages 'cause all the witches see it in your eyes

"Oh, I love this song." Maka mumbled mouth full of ice cream. Her eyes sparkled with glee and hummed along to the song. Soul glanced at Maka who bobbed her head to the beat. Soul smirked to himself and set down his bowl. The bowl hit the coffee table with a clatter that grabbed Maka's attention. Soul held a hand to Maka.

See you in your dreams Yeah, baby

Your nightmares, too, that's where I'll find you

Maka set her china bowl on the coffee table and set her hand in Soul's. He spun her around like earlier and hugged her close. The two rocked back and forth like they had the time Maka went insane and they had a meeting in Soul's head. Soul skidded around the living room trying not to knock anything over. Soul cantillated his favorite part in the song in Maka's ear.

"Fairy Blue

It is only for you that I would crush the stars

And display them with the Black Paper Moon

If you really put your faith in me

When you're lost here, I am

Forever with your soul

Waiting here above you patiently, just like the shining moon." Maka shivered at is husky voice singing the song she loved when she was little. Maka's mother would always sing this song as a lullaby for Maka to go to sleep. It had always worked and Maka loved her mother's voice. Maka sighed and let her eyes drop a little. Her surroundings were comforting and she was no longer cold in Soul's embrace.

"Soul, I'm getting-" She leaned against Soul's shoulder sucking in small breathes.

"Tired, are we?" Maka nodded against his shoulder. Soul rolled his eyes at his wee partner who let Soul carry her to her room. She really got knocked out when she hit her bed. Soul had set her down and her comforter and her eyes fluttered shut leaving a silent apartment.

Soul admired his miester's features. Her seashell lips parted slightly letting out small breathes. Maka's hair swayed against her face as her curls tumbled along her shoulders. Soul leaned against Maka's bed, enjoying the sight of a peaceful Maka.

"A symbol rises to the surface

Of the crimson jam that I had submerged it deep within

Your destiny isn't so immutable, anything that you can dream

Can also be the fate that you will have." Soul sang aloud to the girl. The song had never finished, they left before it ended. Maka's lips parted more as words flowed through her mouth.

"Don't try to use deceit on me

I will not break, I won't surrender." Soul had never heard Maka sing, occacionaly a preview when she was in the shower but never like this. Her voice seeped past her lips and embedded into Soul's head. Maka's eyes were now open and glimmered with content. Soul leaned forward smiling a real smile, he let their foreheads connect.

" Fairy Blue

You are my everything, the reason I go on in this captivity eternally

If you raise your voice and call for me, I will find you, my dear

Wherever you may be

And I will be sure to set you free from this entangling curse." Soul sang to Maka who stared at him with wonder. And the truth was, every word Soul sang, he was singing to Maka from his soul. Every word was true that passed his lips.

"There are times when no one believes in me and

There are times where I feel like I'm degraded But even in those times, your words always echo within my heart

This is my promise." Maka sang, her lips slightly brushing Soul's.

"Fairy Blue

It is only for you that I would smash the stars

And use them as a sign to guide you

And anytime that you're lost or afraid, Can you see your dreams

I want you to look up and..."Soul started off the last lines.

"Fairy Blue

You are my everything, the reason that I live in sweet captivity so faithfully

And I swear you'll never be alone When you're lost here I am

Forever with your soul.

We can make it through most anything, if you can just believe." Soul and Maka sang together, their voices moving rhythmically together. Soul had never believed their voices could fit together so well. Then, Maka pulled back, her eyes wide.

"What's wrong?" Soul asked, eyes giving off a hurt emotion. She looked at him with a 'are you serious?' look.

"Did you feel that?" Her voice was high and she squeaked at some words. Soul then realized they were resonating when they sang, but it was powerful. The most power either of them had ever felt, Soul didn't think Stein's resonance could compare. They looked at each other for a long time, figuring out the others move.

"Soul, I want you to-to..." Soul nodded understanding what she meant. He leaned his head down so his white locks brushed her forehead. Electricity flew when their lips touched, sending a powerful shock to their souls, but they didn't pull back. Maka cupped Soul's face while his hands captured either side of her face, blocking exits. It was a little awkward considered Maka was laying down but they didn't seem to mind. Soul pulled back a little after the resonance died down.

"You're my Fairy Blue, Maka." She giggled at his pet name he gave her. "I love you, Maka."

"I love you, Soul."

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