Chapter 29: Falalalala lalalala

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A/N: SIRIUSLY!! I'm not doing another disclaimer!

Chapter 29: Falalalala lalalala

Lily collapsed into James' outstretched arms beside her.

James scowled, not at all fazed by the bloodcurdling wails from his own house.

"SIRIUS!" He yelled.

The door opened, nearly bumping into Lily, who was closest to the door, but James pulled her away at the last second.

Sirius grinned when he saw James. "So, what d'you think about this wonderful creation which muggles call doorbells?"

"A disaster." James snarled. That's when Sirius noticed a weak Lily in James' arms.

"Oh," Sirius gulped, then half-closed the door, calling out, "Moony!"

"I'm f-fine." Lily said weakly to no one in particular. "Just a wee bit shocked."

"I don't blame you." James grimaced. "You haven't been living with Sirius. Honestly, I don't know how my mom stands him."

Lily laughed. "That's mahogany."

James' shook his head. "You're delusional." And he pushed pass Sirius, carrying her through the door, not bothering to wait for Remus to check on her.


"I'm fine." Lily protested when she felt the gentle sway of her body, indicating that James was carrying her up the stairs.

"Just let me take care of you." He kissed her forehead once, and Lily was silent, letting him put her into his bed with no resistance. "Go to sleep. I'll wake you for dinner."

Lily sighed heavily. "I can't. I'll have nightmares."

James raised an eyebrow. "What do you want to do then?"

"Just talk." She yawned.

"Oh, um, ok."

Lily laughed, "You're cute when you're awkward."

James chuckled nervously, anxious to close the space between them but restrained himself. "What d'you wanna talk about?"

"Let's see," Lily's face was thoughtful. "Firsts?"

"Firsts?" James questioned. Then understanding dawned in his eyes. "I see. So... er, the first time I met Adrian, the photographer," he added hastily when he saw the confusion in her eyes. "I was half-naked."

Lily laughed and laughed until tears came to her eyes. "Can I ask why?"

"No." He replied, slightly embarrassed. "You?"

"Um. How about my first crush?" She asked tentatively, avoiding James' burning gaze.

"Guess it's too much to hope that it's me." He sighed, turning away.

Lily blushed furiously. "I was crushing on Severus for a while, but it's probably because I was only 5."

James grimaced. "My first crush wasn't much better, she rejected me for 5 years, maybe more?" His tone made it sound like a question.

"Oh, wow." Lily gave a sad smile. "You should go get her, I'm sure she won't resist."

"Maybe." His voice trailed into silence, and they just sat there for a while.

"So, my first time riding a broom didn't go so well, but you know that." Lily broke the increasingly uncomfortable silence.

It was James' turn to laugh as he remembered Lily making a huge effort just to climb onto her broom, and then losing control over it and landing near Hagrid's hut.

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