Chapter 26: The Damsel in Distress

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Disclaimer: It's been almost 30 chapters, and I still have faint hope that none of you realize that these characters don't belong to me.

Chapter 26: The Damsel in Distress

James was frantic.

One of the Hufflepuffs had seen Lily walking away. And just now Mary told him worriedly that Lily had not showed up.

He kept telling himself he was over thinking things; Lily had most probably ran off to do something important. Or probably on a secret date with Snivellus; the thought let him taste bile in his mouth.

"Oi! The match's starting!" Sirius voice snapped him out of his worries.

"Coming!" He yelled, his left hand gripped tightly in his broom.

Sirius was doing some last minute check-ups with the Gryffindors. "Sleek," he complimented another chaser's broom. "And sturdy," he said to the other beater. "Prongs..." he grinned. "Lovesick."

James scowled. "Where's Marlene?" He asked Sirius.

"Not sure." His brow furrowed.

"That's how I feel." He muttered so nobody but Sirius could hear.

Just then, Alice burst into their tent.

"Hey!" Sirius yelled, thinking it was a Hufflepuff spy. "Gryffindors only!"

"I'm a Gryffindor!" Alice retorted.

"Oh." Sirius said, taken aback. "Quidditch players only then."

James chuckled, and Alice whipped her head to face him.

"I know Lily's here. Come out!" She yelled.

"She's not," A chaser piped up.

"See?" James said crossly.

Alice narrowed her eyes and pushed her way in.

"Hey!" Someone cried out.

James sighed heavily. "The match's starting, we gotta go. Feel free to search." He added, glancing at Alice, and he stepped onto the pitch.


"Focus, Prongs!" Sirius yelled in the wind.

James snapped his head. He was hovering only a few feet above the air. He quickly sped up. Seeing Gwenog Jones with the Quaffle, he sped towards her.

Gwenog grinned at him. "Remember our bet. If Hufflepuffs win, you wear a pink tutu for a month." And tossed the quaffle into the hoop, which a Hufflepuff chaser quickly snatched.

"You call that doing something for you?" He asked in mock disgust. "If Gryffindors win, I go to Slughorn's party with you."

The grin did not fade from her face. "Deal. Though you stand no chance to humiliate me; the Hufflepuffs are the best around here."

"We'll see about that," he left and sped after the Hufflepuff chaser.

Something glittered from the ground out of the corner of his eye, so dazzling that he stopped momentarily before tossing the Quaffle through the hoop, which very nearly missed.

After the toss, he quickly looked down to where he last saw the bright light. Nothing was there.

"I must have imagined it," he told himself uneasily, then he looked at the stands; in the seats between Marlene and Mary. Lily still wasn't there.

He was frustrated; half of him was worried for her safety, half of him was happy she didn't see his almost missed toss.

But anything could happen! He tried not to think of the last time her friends reported her missing; she was being chased by a whole horde of dementors!

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