Your Mutation

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You wake up back in the apartment. "Y/N!" y/t yells as he hugs you tight. "I should have never left you alone! I love you! Please don't leave me! You're the best thing that has ever happened to me!" "y/t calm down! I'm okay." But, you weren't. You felt more powerful, just a tiny bit different. You got up and felt perfectly normal. You walked a bit and jumped. "You were mutated but I don't really see a difference." y/t says. " Yeah, I guess I'm immune, like April." You says laughing and hugging everybody. What you didn't know was that you were not immune.


It's been a week since the "mutation". You were at the beach with the boys. It was dark and completely empty. You laid down in the sand for a while until the boys started to get into the water. Leo took off his shirt and looked over you. You couldn't help but stare. He was so perfectly built. Strong muscles and tight abs. "Enjoying the view?" " Just a bit" He then carries you bridal style and throws you into the water. You couldn't feel your legs. It was like they weren't there anymore. You looked down and saw a blue tail with jewels. You were a mermaid! You swam fast into the ocean and then back. You popped your head out and saw the boys staring at you. "Y/N" Leo says. "Leo, what happened to me?" "It was probably the mutagen from last week. Try testing to see if your transformation came with powers." You help your hand outs and pulsed. Water beams came out of your hands. Awesome. You looked over at the boys. They all were gaping at you with mouths open. "Leo, this doesn't affect us, does it?" you ask him. He was standing and your tail was moving back and forth. "Never." he said kissing you passionately. As his hands wrapped your waist and tail. 


One week after the incident you go back to school. You decided to take a break because everything was really overwhelming. It was a great day until the lunch period. You were with Raph sitting down at the table overlooking the courtyard. "OMG, Raphie? What are you doing here with her? You should seriously dump her and go out with me. " The main cheerleader, Britney came up to me and Raph. "Yeah no thanks." "Everybody  already thinks that you're a girl who's paying Raph to go out with you." she says. " Oh great, it's really great to see that you have a hobby of spreading something other than your legs." Raph says. He start laughing and Britney walks away. The girls start laughing after they leave. "Ow!" Raph yells. He starts rubbing his hand which you were holding. "You burned me!." He said. "How?" "I don't know!" After school you go into an alley and you pulsed. A ball of fire formed in your hand. Raph stood there his mouth open. "Raph, please. Don't leave me." you told him. "I wouldn't even think about it." he said. He kissed you passionately and it turned into a  full make-out session.


You were skating up and down the half-pipe with Mikey. You gained speed and skated. "Y/N! You're going super fast!" "I know! It's exciting! Like a shot of adrenaline is inside of me!" 

---Time Skip--Brought to you by shawnies_muffin and her amazing new book---------------------------

It was night and you and Mikey were roof jumping. You started running and jumping when you picked up speed. You ran faster and faster. Then you felt like you were running at a super speed. "Y/N" you hear Mikey yell. You couldn't stop you ran and jumped faster than you ever did before. When you gained control you turned back and ran towards Mikey. Making his hair fly back. "Woah! You were so fast! Y/N" "I know I guess this is what I get for being mutated." "I wish I could get mutated!" "I was just lucky, I guess. We're cool right?" "What do you mean?" "This won't come between us." "Not at all!" He grabbed you by the waist and spun you. Then he brought you down and kissed you. 


"Oh! I owned you!" you yell to Donnie. You finally got a better grade than him on your science test. "This is only because, Mr.Steven sat you right in front of me!" "Whatever." He kissed you. BEEP! You walked over to the computer. You put your hand on it and felt something flow throughout your body. A small electrical arc connected your hand and the computer. Then, when you took your hand off you felt a great knowledge. Everything that was on Donnie's computer was recorded in your mind. You were like a human hard drive! "Y/N! Are you okay?" "Yeah, Donnie...I'm a human hard drive. That's what the mutagen did to me! When I touched your computer, everything on it was recorded on my mind!" "Seriously?" "Yeah!" "That's so awesome!" He kissed you once again. "I love you, human hard drive and all!" he yells. "Sssshhhh!" You laugh together. 

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