Your Weapon

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  You were training in the dojo with Master Splinter. He was teaching you the last bit of a kata you started learning. You catched on pretty quick. "You're way of learning easily and quickly is what makes you a great kunoichi. Ninjas have to adapt and you are showing great potential for that." he said as you sat down on your knees at a small table to drink tea. You talked for a while when he said," Y/N." "Yes, Sensei?" "I think it is time that you have your own weapon." On the inside you were jumping up and down your fist pumping in the air. However on the outside you just said," Incredible idea, sensei." with a huge grin on your face.  


He then handed you what looked like two bracelets. They had a sort of compartment on the side. They also had a button. You looked at Master Splinter as he silently nodded. You pressed the buttons and out came katanas. The handle fit perfectly on your hand. You ran and jumped turning in the air landing on your knees as you pretended to cut someone's legs off. Then you did a backwards roll as you pushed yourself off the floor and did a back hand-spring. With a graceful turn you slash at your invisible enemei. You were now a katana dual-wielding kunoichi. You couldn't wait to show Leo.


He walked out of the room. Master Splinter came back with what looked like claws. Sort of like the Wolverine. You squealed. Master Splinter noticed your excitement and smiled. He handed you the claws and you slipped them on. You started to slash at the air. You did a small flip and you pretended to slash at someone's face. "These are called Neko-te. Back in Ancient Japan when ninjas were more common, these weapons were used more by kunoichi such as yourself, Y/N. They were usually dipped in poison, the eyes were the most favorable spot for slashing." You smiled, your smile so huge that you looked like the Joker. "I'm going to go ask Donnie to make some poison! Thank you, sensei." You bowed to your Master and with that ran out of the dojo.


Master Splinter handed you a knife that was attached to a chain. On the other end was a ring. "It is a Kyoketsu-shogei." You held it and started to swing it around. "The knife can be used in close quarters or swung around by the ring." Sensei said. You then took it into action. You stabbed and swung. "Thank you so much, Sensei." you hugged him. He seemed to tense up at first but then you returned the hug. "You are very welcome."


Master Splinter walked over to the shelf and took the staff with a knife at the end. You then handed it to you with a bow. You bowed and took it. " A Yari for the kunoichi." He said. It was 5 feet long and the blade at the end was 6 inches. You then found a small compartment in the side. It contained four hidden kunai knives. You threw each of them with speed at the target on the wall. All four hitting bulls-eye. You then practiced with the staff, the same way you always did with Donnie's. 

A/N: Sorry if it's short. I personally enjoyed writing it because I'm a kunoichi myself. True chiz!!!! I take martial arts and I have a tessen at home. Ask shawnies_muffinMorphicPixels or Isabella_Gibbs if Kunoichi_LoveLeo has a tessen and is a ninja. They WILL say yes! I suggest that you look up the weapons in Google Images. Hope you liked your weapons. I know I love mine! XD :P

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