Come Back Home (chapter 2)

Start from the beginning

For their first date Lauren had taken Camila out to a restaurant right next to the beach. She remembered how much Camila loved the scent of the ocean, and the sound of the waves.. her eyes would sparkle under the night sky as at the scented candles lit, and Lauren knew Camila was the one.. she felt it the second she laid eyes on the her. The way Camila spoke, the way she presented herself, the way she fought for what she believed...the way she loved, and how passionate, yet sexual she could be without her knowing it.. Lauren knew that was the woman she'd spent the rest of her life with. She knew there could never be anyone in the world like Camila, nor anyone that could ever mean to her as much as she did.

Their first date was also their first kiss, and Lauren could so vividly remember how she had finally gained enough confidence to hold her hand, then she kissed her. They both closed their eyes, in a kiss that seemed eternal. The waves of the ocean seemed a hundred times louder, and the sky so much darker, and their hearts beating as one..Even as the ocean was loud, and as quick as the years had passed Lauren could still remember how Camila lightly moaned into their kiss.. she remembered the feeling, and the butterflies she felt.. And she could never forget how Camila shivered in her arms... that only meant one thing.. it meant that she was just as in love.

Lauren had always been know as the girl to get her way, she had the looks and the charm to get away with murder, and with that she could get any girl she wanted..bur for some odd reason she kept to herself a lot, and had only been in a few relationships. None of those relationships were ever that serious, nor did she stick around long enough to find out.. she had this charm about her in which she'd make a girl fall in love, and then just walk away when her partner would start to get really attached. She hated that.

But with Camila it was different, it had always been different. At least the first couple of years. After their first date Lauren was quick to take the one thing Camila had been saving..her virginity. Although it took a few dates after the first to get her into bed, Lauren got what she wanted.. she knew she'd eventually get it. she craved her skin, her touch, and her taste.. she was addicted to Camila.. they were both addicted to each other.

After a few months of dating, Lauren popped the question, and within weeks they were married.. Lauren was shocked as to how quick her life was moving, she was even more shocked at how she had gotten married.. but she didn't regret it, not one second because she had never known true happiness until Camila. She couldn't remember around what time their relationship began to turn sour, but she had an idea it was around the time she got her new job.. her job as a stunt double which had only started in small shows, but led up to big movies.

Lauren had always dreamt of being an actress, until she discovered the thrill of messing with her own life for fun... and on top of that getting paid big bucks for it. At first Camila was terrified of the idea of her wife jumping onto burning cars, but she eventually learned to cope with it. With a new job came a new life style.. Lauren started hanging out with on the rise actors, and with that she adapter to their ways.. the drinking, and partying.. although she always kept her distance from different women being that she was married, and in love.. the temptation would seem to linger after a drunk night. Till one day she was tempted, and she fell...that was also around the same time Camila's pregnancy tests had come back positive after a few procedures had been done.. They were expecting their first child. Everything had hit Lauren faster than lightning, and she also began to drink twice as much.

Lauren sat there on her couch, the same couch where she and her wife had cuddled so many times, and fallen deeper in love. She hated herself.. she hated herself more than Camila could ever hate her.. she cried out in pain, and anger.. she was anxious.. all Lauren wanted was her wife in her arms, and to feel her baby kick.

There was a knock at the door, " Come in..", Lauren knew it was Rob, and her voice was so shaky.

Rob walked in not too sure of what he'd see, he was a little scared that Lauren had hurt herself, but she was completely fine, at least on the outside, " babe.. what the hell happened? ", he sat next to her, and leaned in.

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