Chapter Eleven: Leo Valdez!

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Percy's small smile turned into a wicked smirk. "Rachel. About changing... It turns out. I did change. Only for the better. Besides..." Percy reached into his pocket and took out anaklusmos. Rachel backed up into the ping pong table.

"P-Percy..." Rachel stuttered.

Percy clicked the pen and it turned into the sword...

"Remember. Your death is for a... good cause."


Chapter Eleven

Third Person P.O.V.

"Yes... Rachel was one of my bestest friends..." Percy started sadly. "A mortal I met while at a quest... She was a great friend. No... An awesome friend... I hope she makes it into Elysium... She may not be a demigod but she should be counted as one. A hero. I miss you, Rachel Elizabeth Dare..." Percy smiled slightly when he said her name.

All the demigods clapped. The fire had turned a dark shade of black showing that everybody was sad and still mourning. Percy got off the stage and sat down by Leo and Jason.

"Hey." Leo said to Percy.

Percy nodded at Leo. "Hey. It's such a shame that they died... Right? In these hard times, we need more demigods to fight... Right?"

Leo frowned, a little weirded out by Percy's 'slight' change in personality. "Uhhh... Yeah..."

Jason joined in the conversation. "What's wrong?"

Percy shook his head. "Nothing. Just trying to get over the shock that they are... dead."

Jason nodded in agreement. "Yeah."

Leo shrugged awkwardly. "Anyways... On to a less depressing topic... Percy!" Leo smiled brightly. "I brought Calypso back!"

Percy grinned. "Great! Where is she?"

"In Bunker Nine." Leo answered. "Wanna go visit her sometime?"

Percy nodded. "Yeah. I want to apologize..." Percy said.

"Okay... Well I'm going. See you later..." Leo said and left.

Percy shrugged and watched as they burned Rachel's shroud.


Leo's P.O.V.

I walked to Bunker Nine happily. Glad to get away from Percy and to see Calypso.


Percy's been acting strange... Like... Not himself.

I shrugged and walked into Bunker Nine. "What's up, sunshine!?" I smiled.

"Oh hey, Leo." Calypso smiles slightly.

I walked over to her and put my arm around her waist, bringing her closer towards me. "So? Missed me while I was gone?"

She scoffed. "Of course not!" She said, trying not to smile.

Percy Jackson: Betrayed and wants RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now