Chapter 12

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After calming down and relaxing, Cody was filled in with the events going on. Now they had to think where Katie was taken to and how to stop Zee.

Emma called Frac and Drageon, filling them in with the current events. They were coming back to the kingdom.

"So Russell was right. Katie was the human who was here. But why would Zee capture her?" asked Nate.

"How did she get here?" Cody said, laying on the Princess bed.

"She told me she wore a necklace with a heart pendant. One day she was working and she awoke in Raizin's ship when I was battling him."

"Did you say a heart shaped pendant?" Drageon asked. Nate answered yes.

"I believe she has The Sellic Heart" Drageon said. "Why did Zee want her?"

"When I was talking to her, her appearance changed. She had dull skin, warts, black eyes" Emma explained.

"Zee is a Bog witch" confirmed Frac. "Any appearance that isn't true, the heart will change it."

"Guys, uh hold on about that" said Cody. She was sat up, her eyes back to black. "What's going on?" asked Emma.

Cody was in front of the mirror but her reflection was different. It was Zee. The scenery changed and she was in front of Raizin. He wasn't happy seeing her but she touch the blade of Manzanillo. The scene change and the earthling saw herself change into Raizin. The events continue to play on: Her death, the breakdown of Emma, the lie she told to Nathan, the sickening resurrection, and the kidnapping of Katie.

There was something new. Now she was in front of Katie and bog soldiers. "Take it to The Sellic Garden, plague the Pillar, kill the carrier. The nuisances might come to it's rescue. Kill them!" Gagus ordered.

Cody's vision was back on Emma and Nathan. "Um what is The Sellic Garden?"

"It's where The Sellic Heart give its power to the planet. The bogs can't touch the heart..." said Frac.

"But a bog witch can. She'll try to manipulate the heart and poison the pillar. Then the planet will be ill. This must be Gagus' way to kill Felixus within the shield" explained Drageon.

"We gotta stop her before anymore harm can be done" Emma said.

"You're gonna need a team more than the three of you" said a worried Frac.

"We ain't got no god damn team sucka" Cody stated.

"Frac, I know how dangerous the situation is. But we can't sit and wait while Zee is killing Felixus. If we gotta risk our life to save this planet, we will" Emma looked at the two best friends.

Frac didn't like the idea of going and retrieve the heart just the three of them. He rather be with them and help. But the Princess is right. Time is being wasted just talking. "Just be careful. We'll get there as fast as we can."

"Thank y-" Emma was interrupted by huge slam. "WHERE IS MY SHIP!"

The trio ran downstairs to the throne room. Raizin was back, 200% furious. The knights didn’t want to deal with the assassin so they show him the ship. Emma ran after the group.

Raizin killed the group of knights and walked inside his ship. "Raizin"

The last person he wanted to hear was the Princess he should've killed last time they met. "WHAT!"

"I'm sorry that I assume that you kill Cody. But we have a problem. The person who famed you has The Sellic Heart and I want to ask you if you can help us."

Raizin walk up to the Princess, her eyes shrink. "What makes you think I help you and the band of asshats?"

Cody sense someone use her word. She start to rub the back of her right hand. "And I swore to the crown I wouldn't smack a bitch today."

"Because you would want to kill the bitch" Emma cracked a smile at him.

"And what makes you think I wouldn't kill you?"

"Be-be-because" the Princess shallow hard, thinking of a good answer. "You're awesome"

Emma was tossed out of the ship, going face first.

"Next time, I'll kill you." The door closed and Raizin flew off. Emma got up and looked down. "Could've just say no."

The three prepare themselves to save their friend. Nathan grab nova bombs and sticky shocks. Emma put on elite armor and weapon up. Cody waited for the two friends at the door. This day was going to be long.

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