Chapter 7

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-The week of Cody's death-

Raizin continue to walk to his ship, sliding the block of ice on the field of ice. Once he made it to the ship, he carry it inside. He combine two passenger seats into a bed wide enough to fit the ice block. He set up the defroster on wait.

"What am I doing?" He question in his head. Saving an earthling was something he would never do. He needed to get his head straight back to the cold hearted mind he was use to.

His eyes change to blue. They were back. Raizin ripped off the upper half of his armor, grabbed Manzanillo, and went outside the ship.

"Stop with the rematch. Tell your father to come out and play."

"You're not chosen to face our father. Hw wants to fight the best. You're not the best, duh." One of the ghost said, carrying two swords.

"You bore me, your father is best. You and the rest of the siblings are his downfall!" Raizin rushed in the attack the five samurai ghost.

-2 week later-

Enough was enough as Frac said to himself in his head. He march right up the stairs to the Princess' quarters. He knew what he was going to might get him executed, but thats a risk he'll take.

The knight walk by the guards and enter the room. Emma wasn't laying on her bed. She was sitting by her desk.

"Uh Emma...?"

"What do you want!" She said asked with a cold tone.

"I'm sorry for what happened to your best friend. But we need you to feel better. The kingdom can't run with me telling everyone their jobs. I got my duties to follow as well."

He walked up to the Princess, watching her flip through pages of a book. There were books stacked around the desk. "What are you reading?"

"I'm trying to find a way to bring Cody back to life."

"Emma, please, I know she mean so much to you. But there's no such thing as that-"

The Princess got up, grab Frac by his chest plate, and slam him on the wall. "How the hell would you know?!" She yelled.

"Because we did the same thing for Dizz! Drageon and I stay up for nights finding a way to bring our brother back but we couldn't find a spell. Drageon been to the dark place you're at. Just let her rest."

Emma thought about what Frac said. The two brothers were close to Dizz and would try to back him back. She remember Drageon being burn out in the morning and late for training.

She lowered Frac down. He hugged her. "I've been where you are. She meant everything to you. But Cody would want you to continue living a great life."

"I'm very sorry Frac. I really miss Cody. We've been friends since high school. I would do anything to get her back" The two broke the hug.

"I'm sorry for the way I act towards you and everyone else. I especially gotta make it up to Nathan."

The door burst open, Master Qin walked in a sense of urgency. "Princess, I got some bad news. Emma and Frac looked at each other. Something bad just happened.

In the frozen wasteland, Nathan saw the familiar ship in the distance amongst the fog. Today, he was going to make he pay.

3 Best Friends: The FriendquelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora