Chapter 12

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America's P.O.V

I hear Maxon scream. They turning my life support off. Suddenly he stops screaming,i try really hard to open my eyes but its no use. Finally i use all my energy i have and try to open my eyes, i fell my eye lids getting lighter. I open my eyes, letting my eyes focus to the light. I see nurses all around me

"Stop!!" Says one of them. A doctor comes in and sees me

"you're awake, how is this possible?"he says. 

"Where's maxon?" I ask worried. "He's in his room lady America." 

"Please tell him that i need to see him asap."i say.

 "Don't worry we will.We had to give him an antidote in order to calm him down."he says.

 "What happened to me?". 

"You have been in comma for about 2 weeks, because princess Daphne shot you and queen kriss. Sadly she didn't survive." I fell tears pouring down my face, she became my closest friend after what happened to marlee, and now she's dead? I wonder how maxon is feeling, he must be devastated.


I wake up and see im in my room, how did I got here. Suddenly there is a knock on the door, "come in" i say. Gavril enters my room, "im sorry for your lost your majesty, she was a great queen"he says while some tears run down his face. 

"Its okay she was a great ruler she was determine to do anything, and she never gave up",i say . "I passed by because i had to explain somethings to you your majesty. Before the selected girls arrived to the palace king Clarkson gave you some profiles of each lady, am i right"he asks.

 "Of course but i don't get your point."

 "Did you read the last folder"he asks curiously.

 "No i didn't i had to leave because my father was calling me",i answer. Were was this going? "Okay your majesty in those papers said that if the queen dies you have to remarry, your second chose if they haven't marry someone. That means that its between Lady America, Celeste, and Elise."he says. I begin to feel happiness in my heart because i can marry America, and have my happily ever after come true. 

"Thank you for the information Gavril, i will think about it." 

"Your welcome your majesty, oh before i leave lady America requested to see you", he says before leaving out the room.


After 2 hours the doctors tell me i can go to my room so i wouldn't get bored and have the company of my maids. As enter my room many memories hit me. How i was maxon's first kiss. Our fights, my maids dressing me having our little talks. The selected girls hanging out in my room. I get interrupted by a knock on the door. 

"Come in"i say. The door opens and see its maxon. He comes up to me and hugs me. I fell the sparks that i always fell when he touches or kisses me.

 "I am sorry about Kriss" i say still hugging him never wanting to let go.

 "Its alright i know she was difficult to be with sometimes but she never deserve this" he says crying into my shoulder.

"I know how you fell she was my closest friend during the selection after marlee ". \

"America i have some news i want to share with you" he says a little more exited. I nodded, " As you see Kriss sadly died, there's rules about marrying. When the queen dies the king has to remarry in order to produce a heir if the queen before couldn't have one. And i only can marry my second choice in the selection if she is not married. And your my second choice", he says. I stand there shocked by the news. He wants me to marry him.

"will you marry me?" He says getting on one knee opening a ring box. It contains the most beautiful ring i have seen in my whole life. I feel tears forming in my eyes. 

"Yess!"i respond. He puts the ring in my finger and stands up. I hug him again wanting to freeze this moment and live in it forever. 

"You know i got that ring the day before the engagement party. When i saw you and aspen together my heart shattered into a million of pieces. I order another ring for kriss and kept that one safe were Kriss didn't found it. I always wondered if you will ever receive it." I examined the ring carefully, a web of thin gold vines craweled up, forming the circle of the ring,holding at the top two gems one green, and one purple that kissed at the crown of it. The green for my birthday and purple for his. Suddenly aspen comes running in through my room. 

"Sorry to intrude your majesty but princess Daphne and Christopher have escape."


Here is another update i hope you all enjoy it. And thank you all for the feedback you give me. I will post soon.

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