Chapter 24: Falling Slowly

Start from the beginning

Fuck. What did I do to deserve her?

I gazed into her eyes, her beautiful enchanting eyes.

"I'm sorry," I murmured.

She blinked, her next words so quiet I thought I imagined it for a second.

"Are you breaking up with me?"

I instantly pulled away in shock.

"What? No!" I said indignantly. "Hell no." I shook my head in disbelief while my eyes narrowed as I closely studied her face. "What made you think that?"

"N - Nothing," she smiled weakly, looking down and waving her hands dismissively. "Forget I said anything."

My shoulders slumped. I reached out a hand and leaned her chin up.

"Baby, you gotta stop doing that," I told her, almost pleading. "If you got something on your mind, don't be afraid to say it out loud. Please, it drives me fucking nuts."

She probably decided I was telling the truth because her face softened.

"Okay," she smiled.

I pecked her nose, making her giggle.

"So how was your day?" I asked. Then, my eyes wandered to her shirt. "But first, what the fuck is Bellarke?"

Her eyes lit up. "It's a fandom based on glances and smiles. Tragic, really."

"Is that the show you've been telling me about, the one you bet I'd like?"

She beamed and nodded. "It's bloody and gory. Totally you," she teased.

"Funny," I said sarcastically. "What about school? Boring?"

She made a face, her light mood instantly vanishing.

Taking a deep breath, she answered, "Meh. The AV Club volunteered to help out at the yearbook committee but it's proving to be difficult since everyone wants to look good in it. I mean, at some point in our lives, we're bound to have a bad picture."

I smiled, watching her talk.

"Then in World Lit, Mr. Jenner wanted us to do an essay about the meaning of life - and all I could think about was Donald Stravinski's insistence we include his bug collection in the yearbook. I don't wanna say no and risk that someday when he becomes a villain, he'll torture me with his army of insects."

"Maybe life is about just that; taking risks," I pointed out. "After all, it's not the years in your life that matters. It's the people who bring life in your years."

She stared at me, then grinned.

"Clever, twisting Abraham Lincoln's words like that."

"I'm the master of wordplay," I shrugged.

She chuckled. But then I yawned, my eyes drooping.

"You must be so tired," she said, watching my face.

"No, it's cool," I grinned. "I wanna spend more time with you, dork." I lightly pinched her nose, causing her to giggle and pull away from me. I pouted playfully. "Aw, don't do that. I'm cold without your warm touch."

She bit her bottom lip, her eyes glancing down to her bed. When her eyes turned back to me, they had a shy glint to it.

"Do you wanna sleep here?"

I tilted my head curiously.

"Just sleep," she added quickly.

"On the bed, with you?" I clarified slowly, watching her.

She shrugged. "Well, if you'd rather sleep on the floor . . ."

"No, bed's good," I quickly said, standing up and taking off my shirt. But I stopped to look at her. "I sleep with only my boxers. Is that cool?"

She waved a hand, her cheeks visibly reddening. "Um, yeah. It's not like I haven't seen you shirtless before." She blinked, realizing what she said. "I mean, up close." She closed her eyes shut, winced, and shook her head. "I'm getting in the bed now."

Turning away, she pulled up the covers and got in. She turned her back to me, I bet my ass it was to hide her embarrassed face.

I wonder what she meant by that. When had she seen me shirtless? I mean, it's not like I walked around school with my top off. I'm no Jacob Black.

I decided to let it go. Too tired to think about it. Shaking my head, I laughed to myself as I took off the rest of my clothes, only leaving my plain black boxers. Then, I climbed on the bed with her under the covers. I put my arms around her and pulled her back to me.

Yep, we spooned.

I breathed in her scent. She smelled of book and cookies, mixed with lavender. With my eyes closed, I smiled. Damn, I felt so at home. With her. Like this.

"Oh, Oz?"


"I have a favor to ask."

"Shoot," I murmured against her hair.

"Can you teach me how to spike?"

My droopy eyes shot open. Did she just say 'spank'? Or was it 'spike'? Honestly, I was too goddamn sleepy to tell the difference.


"You know, in volleyball?" she cleared. "It's for PE. I may be good with my legs, but my arms suck at doing anything remotely athletic."

I groaned, smiling crookedly while I tightened my arms around her. She was so warm and comfy. Like a life-sized teddy bear, only I could kiss her without looking like a psycho.

"Don't talk dirty to me while we're on a bed," I warned, in a low voice.

She had an intake of breath, making me grin wider. I buried my face in her hair, until my mouth touched the back of her neck. I felt her shiver against me.

"Don't worry," I whispered. "I won't do anything you don't want to."

Her body relaxed, leaning back into me.

My eyes closed. I was so dead beat.

. . .


Did Halo say my name? I wasn't sure.

"Are you asleep?"

Her voice was getting smaller. I might be in dreamland already.


Words were slurred.

So far. So faint.

I tried to hear it again.

All that met me was silence.


Yes, I purposely mashed the words to torture you. Bwahaha! >:) But come on, it's pretty obvious. Just try saying it out loud. ;)

This chapter is pretty tame, don't you think? I hope it's enough to satisfy your Haloz feels. 'Cause next chapter, everyone's gonna be there. Yes, I'm talking about EVERYONE. I think it's time Snow and Halo meet face to face. Beach party, mofooooos!

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