10. Rachel

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10. Rachel

"We managed to get everything we needed, and some extra," I explained, wringing my wrists behind my back. My stomach had been in knots all afternoon, and the haze of tears over my eyes made them sting.

Dean had his back turned to me still, hunched over a hand drawn map of the camp's surrounding area. I didn't know why he was looking at it. I would have asked, but the minute I walked into his cabin he'd inquired me about our scouting mission. I was sure this man suffered from some sort of bipolar disorder, so stoic and all business one minute, and the next he was trying to be my friend. I knew I was dealing with the business side of him when he refused to look at me.

This was fine with me. After the information Carter and I had gained whilst visiting "Quinn's" place, I wasn't sure I could even fake the friendly smile. I surprised myself by even spitting out a coherent answer, my mind in a state of utter desolation.

"Quinn got her meds?" Dean asked.

I nodded, "The pharmacy we found was practically a gold mine, must have been missed by a majority of looters. It was a lucky find, and no Croats to speak of."

"Luck like that doesn't come by very often. You must be special," he paused a moment and barely glanced over his shoulder. "You didn't happen to stop anywhere else, did you? And don't lie to me."

My brows creased and I shrugged weakly, "I mean... We stopped by Quinn's place for the toilet paper, but---"

"I freaking knew it," with a shake of his head, he turned to face me.

"Is that a problem?"

He looked exasperated, not as angry as his tone had implied. He ran the palm of his hand over his face before he gave another shake of his head, "She's been wantin' to visit her old place since she got here. Stubborn little..."

He trailed off, and his eyes locked onto me. I stared back at him, my lips pressed together in a thin, wry line. Dean seemed to notice this, pursed his mouth and silently dismissed his statement.

"It doesn't matter, you're safe. How'd she and Carter do?"

"Fine, sir... for the most part."

Dean cocked an eyebrow, "Sir? That's new."

I was taken aback, my jaw slackened. I averted my gaze as he took a few steps closer and cleared my throat, "Just... trying to be more respectful than I have been in the past... I figured it might be a good idea since, I don't know..."


I tested his eye contact with my own, nearly startled by him towering over me. My throat made a noise and I took a step back, impressed that I was actually able to force that fake smile, "You got me, all right? The other day when I slipped up and called our bunk home... Turns out it may have not been a slip up after all. I might like this place, just a little."

Being on the road with Carter and Zoey, I almost couldn't wait to get back to camp. I still wasn't completely comfortable with the little information I had about everyone, Dean and Sam Winchester's supposed, previous "monster hunter" life, but I was reunited with my sisters just as planned. Even if I wanted to leave, I couldn't less I could convince Zoey to come with us... Besides, Dean was right. We were safest here.

What would you have done had you found me? Taken me from the only people I had as family? You're not my family... they raised me.

I cringed, my eyes watering.

"Hey, Rachel," Dean muttered. "You okay?"

My throat was tight, and the battle against the tears brimming over my eyes got progressively worse. I batted the moisture off with my lids before coyly looking up at him, that fake smile faltering.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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