Brody was wearing the shorts he was wearing yesterday, but topless.  I walked to him and ran my hand down his chest, admiring his muscular stomach.  

"Promise me you'll never show this abs to any other girl."  

"Hmmm.  I don't know...why?"  He kissed the top of my head.

"Because if they didn't fall for you already, they'd fall for you instantly."

"Is it too marvelous for you?"


"Fine.  But just for you."  He hugged me, making my cheek crush against his warm chest.  I could feel his warm breath from above me.  I just breathed evenly as my heart fluttered.  

"I need to take a shower."  I finally said.

"Wanna take one together?"  Brody suggested jokingly.

"Nah, I think I'll pass."  I said, and kissed his cheek.

He laughed as I walked out of my room.  "By the way, you can borrow clothes from my mom's room.  You know, the place you borrowed clothes last time?"

"k."  Brody said, and walked to my mom's room.

I took a long shower, cleansing myself inside and out.  I stood in the pouring water in peace, until I was warmed up to my core, so I stepped out.  I towel-dried my hair and tossed my clothes on.  I put a thin line of eye liner and mascara on.  I put a light-colored, glittery eye shadow, and a layer of lip gloss.  I walked out of the bathroom and bumped into my dad.

"Oh, hey dad."

"Hi honey.  I'm actually running late, so-"

"Hey Jen, is this ok?"  Brody chose that time to come out.  It's not that I'm hiding him.  It's just that it's a school day and I have my boyfriend over, who probably stayed the night.  Imagine all the things my dad could have thought!  Like, omg, did they have sex?  And how am I going to answer that?  Uh, yeah, dad, it's a bit awkward, but Brody and I lost our virginity last night.  Uhm, hell to the no!

"Well hello.  I don't think we've met.  I'm Jenny's dad."  My dad took a hand out for Brody to shake.

Brody shook it.  "Nice to meet you, Mr. Wellfield's."  Brody's voice was low and smooth, and most of all, calm.  I think it was enough to convince my dad that nothing was wrong.  Maybe.

"Well, I need to go to work, I am actually extremely late."  He eyed me for a second and then said, "I'll talk to you later."  I nodded.  I wonder what he meant by that. Was he going to question me?  Or does that not mean anything?  I looked up at Brody when my dad walked out the door.

"Are you going to be fine with him later on?"  Brody asked, probably thinking the same thing I was thinking.  I shrugged.

"You look really nice, by the way."  I said, changing the subject.

"When do I not?"  He replied with a smirk.  I rolled my eyes playfully and went to wake up my brother.  Cody groaned just like he always does when I wake him up.  

"Why is school so mercyless?"

"Maybe because you stayed up so late on a school night?"

"Well I was invited!  I'm not gonna decline."

"Oh gosh, just wake up."  I said, opening the curtains so that a bright ray of light shone down on him

"Aaahh!"  He shrieked, as if he were a vampire.  I walked out chuckling.

I went down stairs and grabbed a granola bar.  I took a bite out of it, and the next second it was gone.

"Huh?"  I looked up to see Brody leaning over me with my granola bar in his hands.

Summer daydreamWhere stories live. Discover now