‘Yes Hayden, everything is more important than that.’ I threw the paper back and he chuckled.

‘I will get you to agree to this you know. Don’t think I’ll give up! Ha-ha’.

That’s when the bell rang and everyone left the room. I walked to my locker and everyone crowded around me. I quickly put my books away and walked to my next class.

All the classes after that became a blur and at lunchtime, I just sat on the grass where Blake, Jack, Jimmy and Hayden sat with me, goofing off and talking about our interests and likes. Some girls with really short skirts walked past and tried to take them away from me but they didn’t budge. I just smiled sweetly at them while they glared back.

It was now time to go home and everyone was walking in one direction. I decided to see where they were going and Blake and Jimmy caught up with me. I asked where everyone was heading and they said most of the people go to McDonalds, then they had to go to footy training, after. I got all excited because I thought they were going to play rugby but they quickly corrected me that they played Aussie Rules. I didn’t really know the rule but Samson had taught me a few of them.

“Do you want to come and watch? All our friends bring their girlfriends occasionally and I know one of the guys, Sam, his girlfriend is going to be there this week.” Jimmy asked. I looked at his olive eyes and curly, dirty blonde hair almost falling in his eyes.

“Alright, you’ll just have to tell me the rules though.” I smiled at them sheepishly when they gave me a crazy look. I giggled and then added, “I’m from New Zealand! I don’t know Australian football much. I mean, my brother has taught me a couple of the rules but I sort of forgot most of them.” I tried to defend myself.

“Ha-ha, we kind of assumed you were a Maori from your accent.” They both chuckled as we started to walk down a long hill. There were little groups of people walking down the hill. We were about in the middle. My bag was a little heavy from all my books. Unfortunately I got quite a bit of homework from the disliked teachers as well as the very few liked ones. We finally got to McDonalds and it was packed. There were quite a few people from our school who were lounging around the cheap, plastic seats and booths. Some were ordering food and waiting in a long line, talking to their friends at the same time. There were some random people here as well, some men in hi-vis jackets or business suits. I waited at the end of the line, Jimmy and Blake standing behind me. The line moved along quickly and before I knew it, I was at the front, ordering a frozen coke and some fries. They quickly got my order and waited for Blake and Jimmy to hurry up in ordering their massive meals.

I scoffed when they came back with big paper bags full of junk.

“How do you eat all that shit?” I asked, pointing to their bags.

“Hey, this is food, not ‘shit’. And easy, you just put it in your mouth, chew with your teeth and swallow. Do you want me to repeat that more slowly for you?” Blake defended his food while taking a bite from his burger after we sat down in some free seats, “Don’t tell me your one of those girls who care about how many calories are in this or how fat you’re going to get if you eat one chip?” He asked, giving me a ‘please-don’t-say-yes’ face.

“No, of course not! I don’t really care how many calories are in this stuff but I do care about getting fat. But I’ll just go to the gym or dance it off.” I replied, taking a sip if my slushy.

“Wow, you dance? What type?” Jimmy asked, taking a massive bite from his burger, half of it going down his face.

“Mostly breaking but I sometimes have to do a contemporary. Oh and I love doing neon dances, they’re one of my favourites.” I said, chuckling at Jimmy’s dirty face, passing him a serviette, “Can’t you eat like a normal human being?” I asked, moving my chair away from his, towards Jack’s chair.

That’s when I felt the cool breeze from outside, due to the door being opened, “Wow, it’s getting cold outside.” I commented.

“Hey dude, hot chicks alert, about seven from Calvin High. Dez, the Calvin chicks hardly ever come in after school, only on Monday afternoons because they have a year ten basketball team. They usually walk but sometimes they have earlier or later games so they can’t.” Jack said. Calvin High? That name sounded familiar, as well as a very loud voice coming from the group walking in. Calvin. Calvin! The school that was on Courtney’s friend’s jacket. I turned ever so slightly and froze when I saw her, Courtney. Just my luck she came in here today, after seeing her this morning.

Without my permission, my legs walked over to her and did something really stupid. I jumped on her back and screamed her name right in her ear. She pushed me off and looked at me with a WTF look, before it morphed into realisation before she jumped onto me, hugging me like I’d disappear if she didn’t hold on.

“Desiree! Oh my goodness, it’s you!” She yelled. By now, most of the people had turned to see what all the yelling was about. Courtney squealed and started to dribble lots of words, like she does when she’s excited,

“Oh my gosh, it’s really you. I can’t believe your here, when did you get here? Is the whole crew here? I can’t believe I haven’t seen you in like 10 million years man YIEEEW!!! Bro,” Courtney and her nineteen year old sister had a thing for saying ‘bro’, “We need to catch up but not at the moment because I have basketball, oh and here’s my team, Tess,” She pointed to a pretty, short mousy blonde with braces who smiled at me, “Jodie, my best friend,” She pointed to a short, but taller than Tess. She was the girl who was with her this morning at the bus stop, “This is Renee,” She pointed to a tall blonde who was really pretty, “And Golder,” She pointed to a chocolate skinned girl who had long, braided hair, “You should come watch us play! What are you doing here? Are you with anyone I know? Is Nat here? Or McKay or Josh or Drake or Benny or Chase? Omigosh! Do y-“

I cut here pointless chatter off, “COURTNEY! Shut up! None of the crew is here; Samson took me away because he thought they were all bad influences on me.” I sighed and told her their plan to move here.

“Look I have to go, but I’ll see you round” Courtney gave me her number and ran out of the building, following the group that’d left without her. I chuckled and walked back to the table where Jimmy and Jack were.

“How do you know that girl, she like shuts down everyone who tries to talk to her?” Jack asked in disbelief.

“Old friend, I’ve known her since diaper days.” I shrugged and ate some chips, “When does your training start?” I asked. We’d been here for a while now.

Jack took out his phone and looked at the time, “It starts at five and goes for an hour, I hope you don’t mind. We should leave soon.”

I got up and put my wrapper in the bin, sipping on my half melted frozen coke. As I walked out my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and almost squealed for joy.


I think this one is longer than usual - 5 pages on microsoft word...


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