Chapter 1

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Outside in the jungle were the sons of the late King Lou, Drageon and Frac, waiting by their late brother's ship, the Misty.

"I'm telling you, they're at the shrine" said Frac.

"They're at the secret password room" Drageon said.

"You did tell them about the spirits right?"

Drageon shook his head. "No. If there are, those pendents should work."

"NO! They're spirits, it was apart of the legend father told us when we were little" Frac said frantically.

"Well, we can only hope they paid attention to The Legend of the Hidden Temple."

We go inside the darkened temple where we find two Lara Crofts and Nathan Drake (Wouldn't that be an awesome fanfiction) raiding. Cody, Nathan, and Princess Emma were putting a miniature statue of a silver monkey together, just having problems with the middle part.

"Cody, turn it the other way so it can fit in" Nate said, looking at the description of the monkey. Cody turn the middle in the right spot as it fit.

"Are you sure we haven't seen this before? It feels, nostalgic" asked Emma, jamming the head of the monkey in the statue. The doors opened up, leading into the next room on the left.

The three best friends walked in the room with three gold cabinets around. Nathan saw what they were look for in the middle of the room. An old dirty, dusty map.

"We found it. And without a temple guard in sight" said Nate, grabbing it. Just then, something touch his shoulders. He turned around to see a black skeleton wearing a gold headdress with red and blue feathers on it.

"Get yo dusty, crusty, old hands off me" Nathan said, giving the temple guard the slap. Nate saw two more guards confront him. He gave them a handshake across the face.

The three temple guards stood there like the slap didn't affect them. They shrink, making the best friends cover their ears. The temple begin to shake. Nathan walked backwards back to Cody and Emma.

More temple guards arrive, crawling up into the room. "Thanks Nathan, you pissed them off" said Cody.

There comes a moment where a word pops in your head. At this moment, it was a verb that they needed to do.

The three burst out of the room with a trail of temple guards right behind them. They went up the observatory, down to the pit of the pendulum, and across the crypt room.

Frac and Drageon were still waiting on the trio, looking at the temple.

"Start the plane" the brothers listen in the distance.

"Start the plane" it was chelesse voice they heard. "What is a plane?" asked Drageon.

"START THE SHIP!!!" It was Cody and the others running down the lovely green-yellow meadow.

The two brothers look confuse as of why were the humans running from. It was then the peaceful meadow then black with temple guards running after the earthlings. Drageon rushed inside of the Misty and start it up. The back doors lower down as the trio were coming close.

Emma, Nathan, and Cody went inside follow by Frac closing the door. The Misty rose off the ground and flew into the sky.

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