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Bauer's Pov

   Cartwright and I have to take of these people.Which is stupid and a waste of time.Some of these people are lawyers, or were very high in society unlike me.But, everyday when I go and check to make sure all the tubes and oxygen I always see this lovely woman lying in one of the tubes.

  That is where I'm at right now. As I walk past the woman I look closer at the clothes she has on a they were a car mechanics clothes.I take off my headphones and look at the name and it says Y/N.Why do we have her up here with all the high class people??

  Next, thing I know she is coughing and moving around.I was to shocked to call Cartwright, so I just watched as this mystery woman woke up from about 7 month nap.

She looked right at me from behind the glass and I saw her lips move, but I could not figure out what she was saying.So, she started banging on the glass and pointing at her throat.I quickly unlock the tube and she gasped for air.

  "Are you alright?"I ask after a few minutes.She shook her head yes, but didn't speak.She motioned for a pen and paper, so I ran and got her what she wanted.She wrote down "Drink please" and so I ran and grabbed my bottle and handed it to her.

  She drank the whole thing within a minute and she looked up at me and said "Thank You, I'm Y/N"

  "I'm Bauer."I say reaching out my hand to her and I helped her up on the edge of the tube.I took her back to where Cartwright and I sleep and she explained why she was down here for.They needed a mechanic to work on the building if something or if a generator broke.

  For a girl she is hot.Especially, in a mechanics uniform. Plus, she is the first live woman that I have seen in a long time.I mean I have my magazines, but the real thing is better. ;)

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