Things Get A Little Heated, But Get Interrupted

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    You were at Norman's apartment cleaning up the house for him while he was at work.You had music playing, so you were in your own little world cleaning up.You were putting the clothes in the dryer when you felt arms wrap around your waist and pull you close.

  "I think you should clean the house more if you are gonna be dancing like that Darlin.'Norman said obviously turned on.You turn around and face him and you see lust in his eyes.So, you decided to give him a little tease.

  "Did you like what you saw Norman?'You ask seductively. He just shook his head yes.You gently push him to the bedroom while the music was still playing.You pushed him on the bed and he was clearly enjoying it.You started to kiss him and your tongues fighting for dominance.

  He reached up and started to take your shirt off while you trying to get his shirt off.You were left in your bra and underwear, while Norman was in his boxers.You felt him hook his fingers in your underwear and start to pull when you heard "Reedus! Y/N! It was Sean.

  "What is he doing here?"You breathe out trying not to moan.You heard the music stop playing and then you heard Sean's cowboy boots stomping across the hardwood floor.

  "I don't know, can't we just ignore him?"He said kissing down your neck.  "No, Norman we can't you know he WILL walk in here."You said getting off of Norman.You two get dressed and walk out to the living room and see Sean.

  "What were you two doing in there?"He said smirking.  "Nothing Man, what are you doing here and most importantly how did you get in?Norman asked sitting 

  "The spare key you gave me Reedustien , and I was in town so I figured I would stop by."Sean said.Why did He give him a spare key??!!

  Sean didn't leave any time soon so, you started making dinner.You knew Norman was still turned on and every time you had your back toward Norman he would pull you close and grind against you.

  "You better be ready when Sean leaves, I don't who sees later on Y/n.I love you" Norman whispered in your ear before he left you go to go talk to Sean.You could not wait until Sean left! :)

Norman Reedus ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now