I had the gut instinct to scream bloody murder that day, but I didn’t. I was a selfish seven year old child who didn’t care if a stranger took them. I just wanted to get out of that home. I didn’t think of the results that would have happened if I was adopted. Apparently, if I would have listened to my gut that day, everyone would be safe. Jay would have been in a foster home since her father was about to be convicted of child abuse.

Tyler and Korey would have been successful in their dreams, Tyler’s being making videos, and they would have met the most famous people in the world. Stella would be alive and working for the agency who first gave her a job. Ben would have gone to college and not been affected by Nat’s taunting aura.

Sean wouldn’t be dragged into this mess at all. Niall’s children wouldn’t have to suffer all this wrath of watching people die right before their eyes, but to me, these would be the upsides of the situation. Evan and Ellie may have been born to a happy Louis and Eleanor. There are downsides like Brent and Trent could possibly not be born -my own baby not being born. My mind however is set on the upside for the people who were alive when I was seven.

Maybe I should have escaped Harry and Louis’ home when I was seven. Maybe I should have done something else to make the headmaster snap so he would have just killed me. I wince at the thought of the headmaster killing me. The whole idea of the headmaster alone is enough to set me off my emotional edge.

I start to curl myself into a ball. I stare straight ahead the hospital door. Everyone is here, even the kids. Both of my dad’s family members are here. Harry’s mother is the most hysterical of all the mothers currently in the room. Her hair is starting to gray, but she still has a sliver of her youth glowing in her face. Her wrinkles are starting to show, but she’s still beautiful to me. I glance over at Louis’ mum. Her wrinkles are show as she sobs silently. I miss my happy grandmother that didn’t have a care in the world except to care for her children and grandchildren.

My train of thought is stopped when a nurse comes to talk to us. She moves us all to a fairly large conference room that will hold all of our family combined. Only biological family is allowed, even though Liam, Niall, and Zayn can be considered as family. She sat us all down, and we all waited for the doctor to come. It seemed to be like hours until he actually came. My palms were already sweating from how hesitant the doctor is being.

“Hello, my name is Dr. Saravia. Well, I have some bad news, but as you know, there is always good news to come with it. Which one would you like to hear?” he asked. I watched his tan figure sit down on the chair. His hair is jet black with specks of gray starting to show. Nobody answers, so he continues. “I’m guessing you would like the bad news first.” he pauses then continues, “I’ll start with Louis Tomlinson. He had a severe anxiety attack brought on from the stress of his loved ones. I’ll have him have him be on some medication to help that.”

I can see some relief put off on Louis’ side of the family, but I’m still worried about my other dad. I gulp as he hands the prescription to Louis’ mum and flips through papers. “As for Mr. Styles, he will be alright. Just a few cuts and bruises, but he is showing signs of depression. I know that he lost a child before, so that could be a cause. Medication will help him, but the type I am prescribing will take time.” I see what Mr. Saravia is doing. He’s giving us the not-so-bad news first before he gets to the horrible news.

“Now for the two small Styles boys. They will be alright, well, more than alright. The injuries they had vanished right before our eyes. We have an explanation for that, but that will come in a little bit. The two little boys will need therapy for what they have been through. God bless those two small boys.” He says putting on his glasses. He lets out a long sigh before starting on Evan.

“Evan Tomlinson is a fighter. We’ve had cases of him before, but none this special. It seems that when Evan was born, his cells were mutated in the womb. He has the ability to take away the pain of those he loves. This is called Contusion Amore Syndrome or also known as CAS. His body shows history of arthritis, drug abuse, and even lung cancer. He seemed to care for people who did this to him,” he shuffles paper around then continues again, “He also cared for the Styles boys. Injures that he received from them were life threatening. He’s in stable condition, but there are some options for him. We have treatment to stop CAS. There is daily medication he can take, but we don’t recommend it for a child that young of age. There is also CAS therapy. It’s almost like he would have cancer, but this would be killing the cells that cause CAS. The last option is to let him continue to have CAS, but he must be cautious of whom to care about.”

This wasn’t our decision to make. Louis -or Harry - would have to make that choice. I know for a fact that Louis gave Harry guardianship of Evan when we first adopted him back into our family. “Sir, that isn’t our choice to make. Either Louis or Harry has to make it. They’re his guardians,” my aunt Lottie pipes up. The doctor nods in an understanding way and looks through more files. I’ve never seen so many files in my life before, not even when I was sick with Leukemia.

“Oh right, before I tell you the rooms your family is in, the good news is River Thompson and Emmett Harland have been taken into custody. I don’t think anyone else knew this, but Nathanyl Ray has been coming to his hospital for chemotherapy. We aren’t sure where we are, but as soon as he comes back for another session, he will be taken into custody.” I feel like an elephant was just lifted off of my shoulders. We won’t have to worry about finding him, but we still have to worry about him doing something dangerous to us. “So the rooms for your loved ones. Louis is in room 309, Harry is in room 312, and the Styles boys are in room 317. Evan can’t have any visitors at the moment. He’s still in surgery, and his rest is needed so he won’t have visitors until 12:00 pm tomorrow.”

Once the doctor leaves, everyone except for me runs out of the room to find Harry and Louis. I bet none of them really care about Brent and Trent right now. I stand up from my seat and walk towards room 317. I walk inside the room, closing it behind me, and I look at the hospital bed. There are two hospital beds, but Brent and Trent share one since they’re scared. I sit down on the bed and run my fingers through Brent’s red hair. He’s so calm and content. I move my fingers to Trent, but his eyes snap open and he becomes protective.

“Don’t touch my brother.” his not yet matured voice cries. His arms wrap around his older brother and holds onto him tight. I’ve never seen such protectiveness between twins before, let alone twin boys.

What did happen to them? What happened to their mother? Why did she leave them alone with that horrible man? I look into Trent’s blue eyes who stare at me cautiously, “Trent, what happened to your Mom?” I ask them. I know what happened to mine, well stepmother. She was murdered, but I was never told about them.

Trent thinks for a second before answering, “Mommy’s in the trunk.”


[A/N] Hello! Hope you liked this chapter. Click the external link on the side to get a character list for this story. Also, can y'all do me a favor? I want to have a better relationship with you guys (my fans) and I want some suggestions of what I can do to make our bond better. Please comment on what y'all think of the chapter and comment suggestions. Until next time guys :)

Forgetting The Past As THEIR son (Book 3) | Larry StylinsonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ