"Hello"I put the phone on speaker

"Hi is this Camil Johnson"A man said through the phone

"Yes who's asking"

"This is detective Ryan I called to tell you that we caught Carl"

"Are you serious"i said smiling and getting off the bed

"Yes mam I am"

"Ok so that means Alex can come back right"

"Yes she and the baby will be back in 2 days just to be safe"Sheron smiled

"Oh my god thank you so much"My eyes filled up with tears of joy,Finally something good happened.

"But there is one more thing"

"Ok what"I sat back down

"Your mother was in a little accident in the middle of us catching him and is in the hospital"

"Ok but why are you telling me"

"Well when she leaves the hospital she have to have a place to go where she can be looked after"I sighed and looked at Sheron

"You should do it Mils"She said touching my leg

"Ms.Johnson are you there"

"Yea im here"

"Well are you gonna keep her until she's able to-"

"Yes I will"I sighed

"Ok I will keep you updated until she's able to come"

"Ok thank you"I hung up and threw the phone on the bed and looked at Sheron.

"Mils that's your mother"

"Not all dogs make good mothers,look you don't know what I've been through with her ass and im not gonna be taking any shit from her when im doin her a fucking favor"She sighed

'I know but at least try and get along for Alex"

"I will but im telling you its just a waste of time"

"Ok I will help you with her then,Where she go be staying"

"In the house with Alex"I sat back against the headboard

"Aw and will you be staying here or at your house"i smiled

"You mean Chris house,Idk I might just stay here and give myself time to think about all this shit but speaking of Chris I have to call him"I grabbed my phone and went to the other room.I called and after 3 rings he picked up.

"Hey bae,whats up"

"Nothing where are you"

"Im at the studio I'll be there in like 30 minutes"

"Aw because we need to talk"he sighed

"Ight"i hung up.I went back to Sheron's room and layed down

"You gud"

"Yea just tired as hell"She laughed

"I bet you are after all that fucking last night"i laughed

"Fuck you"

"Eww no that's Chris job but anyway what he say"

"He will be here in 30 minutes,Im hungry"i put Caylee on my chest

"Girl yo ass always hungry,im ganna go make some chili"i smiled

"Your the best"

"Whatever"She got up and went out the room,I gave Caylee her pacifier and she fell asleep on my chest,I slowly dozed off.

When I woke up Caylee was still asleep so I slowly layed her on Sheron's bed and went to the other room.Chris was asleep and I had to get some changing clothes so I can take a shower.I tried my best to get to my bag without making a sound but knowing Chris his ass will wake up at the drop of a pen.I got to my bag and pulled out a big sleeping shirt and some shorts,just as I was leaving out Chris woke up.

"Where you goin"i turned around

"To take a shower,anything else dad"He smiled

"Come here"he patted on his lap,i sighed and walked over to him

"What do you want"he pulled me into his lap

"Are you feeling ok"

"Yea why you ask"

"Because Sheron told me about your mom and shit I just wanna make sure you ok"i sighed

"Yea im good thanks for asking"he smiled and gave me a kiss

"Anything for my baby but can you do me a favor"

"What"He reached on top of the night stand

"Put this ring back on"i looked at it

"Not right now Chris ok"he shook his head

"Ok I understand"He gave me another kiss

"Oh,Calee is in Sheron's room sleep can you watch he shook his head and got up

I stayed in the shower for almost an hour just thinking and debating on what I should do now to make everything like it was before but I don't even know if that's what I want.

When I got out I put on my clothes and put my hair in a bun.I went back to the room and Chris was playing with Caylee and relaxed with them for a lil bit until Sheron was done cooking but I was too hungry to wait so I went down there to help so I can eat first.

When I was done eating I put Caylee to sleep and put her in Eric's room{who is Sheron's son} and put her in his crib,He was spending a few weeks with his dad so she didn't mind.I went back to the room and layed down,Chris wrapped his arm around me real tight and layed his head on my neck.

"Camil I don't ever wanna lose you because your my life and you and Caylee are the reason I breathe and the reason why I wake up everyday.I know I haven't been the best almost husband to you but please give me time because im kind of new to this"He held my hand

"I know because its new to me too,I just want us to start over and do everything right and try not to make a lot of mistakes"I kissed his hand

"See that's why I love you"He smiled and kissed my temple

I hope this shit last because I aint goin through it again.

I know its late and im sorry,i just got caught up writing the other story that will be published soon so as usual keep I Tem Breezy<3 annnn1="">

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