Chapter 9

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Clarke wakes up to find the bed empty. She was slightly disappointed, thinking Bellamy had slipped off to the couch in the middle of the night. But then the smell of bacon hit her, and she smiled. He was making her breakfast, this was not the Bellamy she remembered. Even when they were happy and together he never cooked for her.

Clarke laid there thinking about last night. She should've been embarrassed, but she wasn't. Because as much as she wanted him, he had been more than understanding when they stopped. She was still dealing with her missing memories, and until she found them she was afraid to go any further.

Clarke ran her fingers across her lips and smiled, thinking about the way he held her last night. She felt safe, safer than she had in a long time. She couldn't stop thinking about how wonderful it had all been, how good it felt to be back in his arms. She turned to look at the clock, and then she saw the picture. Her heart stopped as she sat up and pulled the frame into her hands.

It was the picture she had burned, the one she thought she'd never see again. Tears filled her eyes, he still had it. They stood on the docks at her lake house, holding onto each other. Her eyes were on the camera, and he was staring at her. There was a halo around his beautiful brown curls and her smile was one she hadn't found in a long time. They were two different people, she yearned to be that girl again.

She took in a deep breath, running her fingers over her face. She was so young, so in love with him and the life they wanted together. How had things gotten so screwed up? When did her life turn into a mess she couldn't clean up?

She sat the picture down, feeling her heart pull at her. She was still in love with him, if she was honest she had never stopped loving him. After a few more minutes her stomach growled so she decided to join Bell in the kitchen.

His shirt fell down to her knees and she pulled at it slightly. She ran her hand through her hair and watched him at the stove. He didn't hear her come into the room, he was nodding his head and singing along to whatever song was on the radio. She took a moment to appreciate how happy he seemed. She had never seen him so happy, so alive.

Clarke walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She had to stand in her tip toes, but she didn't mind. She pressed her lips into his warm, tan skin, and smiled as he looked back at her over his shoulder.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," his deep voice making her heart jump, "I didn't wake you did I?"

Clarke shook her head, "no but the bacon did. It smells so good," she grabbed an already cooked piece and stuck it in her mouth. Clarke never admitted that she could eat anyone under the table, not on the first date anyways.

"Did you sleep okay?" His eyes swept over her in his shirt and she couldn't help but smile again. He had always loved to see her wearing it.

She nodded, "best sleep I've gotten in a while," she pulled herself up on the counter. Sitting there she was eye level with him, "so what are we going to do today?"

He flashed her a crooked smile, it was Sunday. His lazy day. Bellamy didn't want to let her out of his sight or his apartment. He had this nagging fear that if she left, he wouldn't be able to get her back again. He looked down at the pancakes, "well I usually hang out around here on Sunday's. Maybe watch a movie, if it's warm go to the lake."

Clarke liked the sound of that, "I'm good with anything. I just want to hangout with you."

Bellamy smiled. He reached out and touched her cheek, "you're beautiful in the mornings. You always have been beautiful, like a princess."

Clarke blushed, watching as he turned to flip the pancake, "do you always spend the morning making breakfast without your shirt on?"

He laughed, puffing out his chest, "yes. I have to keep up my manly appearance for you."

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