Chapter 29- What had just happened? (Jamies pov)

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One week. Clair hadn't eaten I. One week. It didn't look like she had been sleeping either. It was Friday now and this was when I had had enough.

"Clair bathroom. Want to come?" I watched her distant stare suddenly stop into focus.

"No, I'm good." She announced sadly. My stare stiffened and so did Pipers who had just finished her lunch..

"It wasn't really a questioned." Piper clarified dragging Clair out of her seat. Us three girls rushed into the lady's room.

"Okay, what's up?" I interrogated.

"Nothing" she said avoiding our gazes.

"As your best friends, we know that nothing means something." Piper announced crossing her arms.

"I can't talk about it." Clair said softly.

"Um, yeah you can, and we aren't living until you tell us what's up. We are worried." Piper commanded.

"I made a mistake." Clair cried softly.

"What do you mean a mistake?" I asked questionably.

"I cheated on Dustin." She said as tears started forming in her eyes.

"What!?" We yelled at the same time.

" I sent a picture to another guy. It was a mistake and Dustin doesn't know about it. It is killing me thinking he is going to find out."

"Who, did you send it to?" Piper asked her face covered with seriousness.

"Please, don't make me say. Please." Clair pleaded as she got on the floor pulling her knees to her chest.

"We'll, when did you send the picture?" I questioned.

"Last week." She announced as we both stared at her now bawling face.

"We'll, if it hasn't came out now, it probably won't." Piper reassured her. We waited a few more minutes as Clair began to clean herself up. We then suddenly walked out of the bathroom, looking over to see Dustin on Alex's phone and Clair frozen in fear.

He looked up and shook his head at Clair as hurt crossed his face. She walked over to where they were standing and we could hear her from where we were at. "Dustin it isn't what it looks like!"

"Really than what was it?" Dustin asked as furiousness approached his face.

"A mistake. Dustin I'm sorry." She cried.

"You know what, just go away!" Dustin yelled as he looked around at everyone. He than walked out of the lunch room shaking his head disappointedly.

"You promised" Clair said spinning around to Alex.

"I'm sorry babe." He announced blowing it off.

"I am not your 'babe'" Clair said making air quotes. "I never was your 'babe' and I never will be! Did you forget to conveniently forget to mention everything you told me that night? Or the fact that you sent one of yours? Huh? I hate you" she said meaning it to be more powerful but turning into a whimper.

"I'm sorry." Alex yelled as Clair left the lunchroom. Piper and I just stood their outside the bathroom wordless. Everyone in the lunchroom was silent and everyone was asking, what had just happened?"

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