Chapter 19- Think (Clair's POV)

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"Okay, so last night didn't quiet go as planned."I admitted as we sat in art.

"Didn't quiet go as planned? NO offense but it was A-W-K-WARD! Alexa was flinging herself at Alex and Dustin who were oblivious. They were too busy trying to show off and tend to your every need. Then, Carson and Alex got into the fight and almost broke a lamp. Dustin almost fell trying to use the bathroom with his broken leg thingy. Then when Katy Dustin's ex showed up, they had a shouting match. Which I want to know how she knew where you lived let alone who you were or why he was there. Then she stayed and was practically giving Alex a lap dance. After that, Maria and Victoria showed up. Then, Alex tried to touch Victoria's butt and she slapped him and cussed him out in Spanish. All through this your mom came home and got confused on why there was so many people sitting in her living room. Then your step-brother came home with his friends who were hitting on everyone including me! Soon, after your neighbor called the cops from all the noise and they showed up. Finding out that all of your brothers friends were drunk might I add. And after that your mom sent us all home! I would say it was kind of a disaster!" Jamie said replaying the events of last night raising her voice with every sentence.

"Okay, so it was a disaster. Maybe, I shouldn't have invited all those people."I confessed. Everything kind of went terrible."What were you guys doing through all this?" I asked.

"Watching it all happen."Piper said looking up from her drawing. "It was kind of like watching a soap opera. Full of a lot of drama."

"I know....Where did I go wrong?" I wondered.

"You invited 3 boys that are MADLEY in love with you to the same place as you. Then, you let everyone that showed up in."Piper confirmed.

"They are not MADLEY in love with me. None of them even like me!"I said.

"Oh and you invited Alexa."Jamie chimed in. Somewhere trough the night I think I saw Alexa hitting on Traycan trying to give him a lap dance.

"Okay, she isn't that bad, and They don't like me."I defended.

"Yeah, they kind of do like a lot." They argued in unison.

"I could see why they do."Jacob had butted in. He had kind of became a stalker. He was always following me and texting me. He even showed up at my house more than once. Weird right?

"Wait who is the third guy you said?" I asked remembering her saying 3 guys. The two guys that supposedly were in love with me I knew she ment was Dustin and Alex.

"Alex, Dustin, and Carson, of coarse." Piper said calmly.

"NO, no no, Carson is like my brother. It would just be awkward to date hi. He knows that. I know he doesn't like me that. As for the other two. They don't like me like that."

"Silly, Silly girl. I swear there is times you are so oblivious to everything around you. It's so cute how naive you are!"Piper said pinching my cheeks. I playfully swatted away her hands.

"Umm, Clair can I ask you something in private."Jacob said sheepishly jus as the bell rang.

"Yeah, we can talk at lunch."I said hurrying out of the classroom to avoid all further conversations about guys.

"Sure" I heard him mumble as I scurried out the door.


"So..." Dustin said as we walked out of gym."Well, I guess we both learned I can't play volleyball."

"Yeah, that was kind of like hilarious!" I laughed rememebering his sad attempt at setting the ball.

"It was not as easy as it looks!" He defending while we both broke out into a fit of giggles.

"Sure whatevere you say." I answered punching his arm playfully.

"So, I was thinking, maybe you would want to go to the dance with me?" He said. I stopped in shock. Did he just ask me to the dance? I watched as he began to fix his hair nervously cutely biting his lip.

"What?" I asked making sure I heard him right.

"The dance next friday, I was urm, um wondering if you would like umm go with me?" He said biting his lip harder.

"Sure.."I said trying not to seem eager. Then, guilt hit me. What would Alex think......

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