Ditch Day

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"Damn they really are looking for us huh?"

"Hell yeah, they going to try and kill us when we get back," I said and laughed.

Sweetz and me where at Bush Gardens having a blast. Especially since Shada was nowhere to be found. We were waiting in line to get on some roller coaster.

"No they going to kill you. I'm say you kidnapped me,"

"Damn baby it's like that?"

"Yup," she said.

I unwrapped her arms from around my waist and turned around.

"That's fine, I guess I will not feed your no good ass,"

She pushed me in my back.

"Don't make me call security on your ass,"I said.

"Stop playing,"

I ignored her and moved up in the line. I felt her wrap her arms around my waist.

"Stop I don't like PDA,"

"Shut up and just take it," she said.

I felt her phone vibrate against my butt.

"I don't want to take that," I told her.

She unwrapped her arms and pushed me again.

"Hello," she said.

I turned back around and faced her.

"No I am not telling you our whereabouts," she said.

I laughed and she rolled her eyes.

"Shada doesn't even know where we at," she said and rolled her eyes.

"Drina to be honest I don't know where we are," she said.

I mouthed the words liar. She slapped me on my wrist. I laughed.

"Bye girl.... She left her phone at the hotel," she lied again.

I laughed at her she is a bad liar.

"Drina I am not lying,"

"Uhhhh no I don't know," she said.

I took the phone from her. She would end up breaking and telling her where we are.

"Drina she got to go," I said and hung up the phone.

I took her phone and put it on silent. I placed it in my other pocket.

"You are horrible at lying," I told her.

"Shut up you know I can't lie," She told me.

"Yeah that's a good thing to," I told her and grabbed her hand.

We where next to get on the ride. We had to have ridden about 7 rides or so. When I started to get sleepy.

"You look sleepy," she said.

"I am, we didn't go to bed till like what 6 and woke up at 8," I told her.

"Yeah true," she said.

"However, I am hungry," I told her.

She smiled. I don't know how she can run off of so little sleep but I couldn't do that shit. I was so exhausted. My sleep was getting interrupted on a constant base since I broke up with old girl.

Irresistible (Lesbian Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang