
"And I was right. That bitch is crazy as fuck," Drina said.

"Yeah you was right,"I said as I placed my arm around Sweetz.

"So do you two always talk about who Smilez should and shouldn't date?" Lady asked as she looked up from her phone.

"Yeah, I mean we are family so I got to screen who she dates," Drina said. I laughed but it was true tho'.

"Did y'all talk about you dating me?" Sweetz asked.

I looked down at her. She had a worried look on her face.

"We sure did," Drina said.

"I kept trying to tell her ass that you balance her out, but she didn't want to listen to me and kept fucking with them hoes on campus," Drina said.

I laughed. Sweetz looked at me like I was crazy.

"Drina was trying to make me get you from like the first day," I said.

She blushed a bit.

"Alright enough of this shit. I'm sleepy so y'all niggas got to go," I said as I yawned. It was going on 5 in the morning.

"Damn okay, I'm hit you up when I wake up to see what we doing tomorrow," Drina said.

I nodded my head.

"See y'all later," Sweetz said as I stood up and walked them to the door.

When they left I went and helped Lady and Sweetz throw away all the food bags and wrappers and I turned off the lights. Me and Sweetz went to our room and Lady went to hers. I closed the door as Sweetz crawled into the bed. I turn off the lights and placed my phone on the charger before I crawled into bed.

"Baby?" Sweetz voice cut through the dark and breaking the silence.

"Yes," I was half way sleep.

"What made you want me? My life is just so fucked up, I didn't think anybody would every want or could deal with me and my issues," 



I just wanted to know why of all people she loves me. After hearing all of what she said I just wanted to. I don't know. I guess I just want that reassurance that she loves me. That I am not some phase she is going through like Shada. I could tell she was half sleep, because of the way she responded to me. I felt her arm go around my waist as she pulled me closer into her body.

"I don't know if you remember, but I had just gotten back from having sex with some girl. You were laying in my bed watching TV. I was fresh out the shower and stuff. I climbed into the bed with you and that was the first night you laid on top of me. We still had the desk lamp on and we were just talking about any and everything. We was just vibing when the girl I had fucked came banging on the door yell about me leaving and that I aint shit. That's when I knew something was there, that you were different from all the others. You walked over open the door and nicely told her that I was your girlfriend that we were in an open relationship, and if she came back you would beat her ass. She left we laughed. And that is when I really saw you as more than somebody I only wanted to be friends with. I think that is the moment that made me fall for you," she said.

"Well it was one moment, I had a few others," she said.

"Which one really did it for you?" I asked her.

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