"Well enough of this bull shit talking," I laughed a bit and closed my eyes.

"Oh hell naw, If I got to wake my short black ass up you got to wake your ass up," Lady voice came through the air.

I opened my eyes to that Lady looked like a fresh shower.

"Girl shut up," Drina said.

I giggled.

"Whatever," Lady said as I felt the bed dip.

"So how was it?" Drina asked Lady.

"Fucking awesome," Lady said with all this excitement.

"Did you know Sweetz can squirt?" I felt my face turn hot.

"Are you fucking serious?" Drina asked.

"Yes. It was so sexy," Lady said.

I bit down on my bottom lip. I wish they would hurry back with the food.

"Damn. Sweetz why you didn't you tell me you can do that? We supposed to be best friends," She asked me.

"Cause it's none of your business," I told her. I was getting uncomfortable. I reached over and grabbed the rest of the blunt off the nightstand.

"So what, it's the fact that Lady knows and I your best friend didn't know," she said.

Her comment caught me way off guard. I never really had a best friend before. I sat up and lit the blunt. I inhaled and exhaled.

"Shut up," I said and laughed.

Drina laughed too. She took the blunt out my hand and inhaled.

"Fa real though, You and Smilez are my best friends," she said and laid her head on my shoulder.

"What about me?" Lady asked as she reached for the blunt.

"You just got in family little nigga," Drina said and laughed.

I laughed to.

"Damn , that's how y'all feel?" she asked as she inhaled.

"Yup," Drina said as I reached for the blunt.

"Y'all that's hurtful," she said as she exhaled and laughed.

"So you niggas just were going to smoke my blunt?" Smilez said.

We all jumped like we had been caught doing something bad.

"Shut up nigga," Drina said as she got up.

She punched Smilez in the arm and walked out the room. She laughed.

"Stop scaring us like that ," Lady said as she walked out the room.

"What? Was y'all having a bonding moment or something?"

"Something like that," I said as I got up and walked over to Smilez.

She grabbed me by my arm and pulled me to her.

"You owe me a blunt," I rolled my eyes.

"You never showed me how to roll a blunt,"

"Well you owe me a bottle of liquor," She said.

I laughed. She let me go and we made our way out the room.

"Man, I saw yo crazy ass Ex a few hours ago," Drina said as she took a bite of her burger.

I looked over at Smilez. I could only read her for a minute and I swear her eyes flashed black and then red.

"She called me waking me up and shit. Talking about she wants closure," She said and then took a sip of her pop.

"I told you not to date her crazy ass," Drina said.

"Yeah yeah," Smilez said.

"How did you meet Shada anyway?" I asked.

She looked up from her food and at me.

"Through an old friend," she said.

"Didn't you meet her ass through Frog?" Drina asked me. She shook her head yes.

"You meet her through Frog old no good ass?" Erica asked me.

She laughed and shook her head yes.

"Damn his ass was crazy you should have known that she was no good," Erica said.

"Alright who the fuck is or was Frog?" I asked them I felt out of it.

"Frog use to be one of our boys, he would spy on the other gangs for us and shit. One of the gangs found out and his ass been missing ever since," Drina said. Smilez nodded.

"Oh okay," I said and started back to eating my food.

"Anyway, it was one summer, You remember Dimplez right?" She asked me. I shook my head yeah.

"Well she had moved away, and I was.... Exploring my options..."

"Nigga stop lying you was sleeping with every female on the fucking Westside and Northside," Drina interrupted.

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