Or Something Like That

Start from the beginning

" Renae, please don't kill that girl?" she said and started to play with the chain around my neck.

I looked up at the ceiling. I was really thinking about it though. It would be nothing.

"Please don't," she said and placed her hands on my face.

"I like this," I told her.

"What us?"

"Yeah, just us. Me and you alone... well kind of alone," I said and chuckled she giggled.

"I feel like it hasn't been us in a while," she said and laid her head back down on my chest.

"Let's ditch the crew tomorrow," I told her.

"They always find us though,"

"Naw we going to leave early and stay out all day,"

"Like a real date?" she asked me and popped up all excited.

"Skyy you want to go on a date tomorrow?"

She smiled super hard and pecked my lips.

"I would love to," I smiled at her and she smiled back.

She laid back down and I went back to rubbing her back. She was on her way to sleep because I felt her body relax more and more. It was loud as knock on the door that cause her to jump. I sighed. Damn. It's always something. She looked at me.

"I don't know who it is," she rolled her eyes and sat up.

I got up and walked to the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's us nigga let us in," Drina said.

I laughed and opened the door. Her and Erica were standing outside the door with two bottles of Henny. I wasn't about to turn that down.

"Damn it smells like a lot of pussy in this bitch," Drina said as she came inside.

"Where are my two best bitches at?" Drina said.

Erica dapped me up and made her way in. I closed the door and turned on the lights. Sweetz looked at me pissed off. I know I shouldn't have let them in.

"Damn Smilez what the fuck happen to you?" Erica said.

I laughed and shrugged. I sat down next to Sweetz.

"Where lady at?" Drina asked.

"Sleep," I told her.

Drina walked into the bedroom.


"We sure did," I said as I pulled Sweetz closer to me.

She was trying to stay up but was failing.

"FUCK DRINA GO AWAY!" Lady yelled.

I laughed and so did Erica.

"Damn nigga it looks like yo ass got into a fight or some shit," Erica said.

"It was crazy," I said and smirked.

Sweetz was sleep; she was starting to snore a little bit

"Damn... so," Erica sat up and leaned over a little bit.

"Just between us.. who is better?" She whispered to me. I laughed.

"To be honest.." I placed Sweetz head in my lap and the rest of her on the couch.

"They both taste good, but Sweetz can squirt," Erica looked at me and her eyes got all big.

"Damn, that shit is mad sexy," She said.

I nodded my head.

"NUH UH... WAKE YO ASS UP BITCH," Drina yelled as she came back into to the room.

She walked over and started to shake Sweetz awake.

"Drina go have a fucking seat," Sweetz mumbled.

"Girl wake up, we need to have a fucking talk," she said.

"Is it about you and Erica?" Sweetz asked as she looked at Drina out of half opened eyes.


"Did someone die?" Sweetz asked

"Girl no,"

"Well it can wait then," Sweetz said and closed her eyes.

"Girl get the fuck up," Drina said and grabbed Sweetz hand.

"You know she not about to give up," I said.

Sweetz sighed and finally sat up. Drina pulled her off the couch.

"So y'all can't talk with us in the room?" Erica asked.

"NO!" Drina said.

Sweetz looked at me and rolled her eyes. I laughed. She lazily made her way back into whichever room Drina was pulling her in.

"Man a nigga hungry," I said as I started to flip through the channels.

Erica looked at me and smirked.

"McDonald's?" she said.

"Hell yeah, let me go get my shoes and shit," I said as I stood up and stretch.

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