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He grabbed his phone and made dinner reservations for later at what I assumed was Alex's restaurant, then spent a few minutes texting.  "I'll be gone awhile later Pet but I'll make sure you're comfortable before I go."

"Okay Sir."  I debated for about .3 seconds before asking "Is it my fault?  Because of the kissing?"


"Is it--"

"Stop worrying about it" he scolded.  "This has nothing to do with you."

"Are you going to be okay because if you weren't that would have something--"


But how could I?  Was I supposed to forget that he'd had a complete breakdown last time he lost his Saturday sub?  How could this NOT affect me even if it wasn't my fault?  I wasn't sure I really believed him about that either.  My head started pounding louder and I leaned back and closed my eyes.  It was nice knowing he was nearby even if he did drive me absolutely mental sometimes.  The next thing I knew he was shaking me gently.

"Wake up Pet, time for meds and some dinner."

I was so far under that I couldn't quite open my heavy eyelids.  "Sleep, not hungry."

"You will eat and then I will put you in bed before I go.  No arguing."

But I was so good at arguing.  I opened my eyes and took the pills he offered.  "Thanks."

"You're welcome.  Do you like grilled cheese?  I made you some tomato soup to go with it."

"I always ate that when I was little, my mom made it when I got sick."  He'd even cut it diagonally and I wondered if he'd actually managed to call her somehow.

"Likewise.  I was a very picky eater as a child, I would go months only eating one or two things.  Drove my mom crazy.  Grilled cheese however was always a favorite."

I had a really hard time imagining him as a boy.  He was probably still a giant even at six or ten but I couldn't imagine his mother telling him to do something.  How did they get him to do his homework or ANYTHING?  Like ever?  I finished my meal and handed it to him.  "Is there any chance I could take a shower?"


"But Sir, I'm gross.  I had a fever and I'm all sweaty.  I'm either taking one now or after you leave, your choice."

"Christopher" he warned.  "You're being argumentative.  If I tell you not to take a shower, you will not take one."

"At least give me a reason!"

"I don't want you getting chilled" he answered, a smirk on his face.

"So keep me warm" I countered.

"You are in no condition to be kept warm Pet."  I could tell he was thinking about it though, he has a certain look he gets on his face when he's imagining me naked.

"But you could towel me off and put my cuffs on and tuck me in bed and then I'd be ready for you in the morning.  I'm sure I'll be feeling better by then."  Why did I enjoy teasing him so much?  It's only teasing if it doesn't happen though and things with him always happened.  Amazing things.  Things so amazing that just thoughts of them were making me really uncomfortable, pants or not.  How was it possible to feel this bad yet be so damn horny?

He didn't answer, just sauntered down the hallway.  I knew better than to push so I just waited and it wasn't long before I got my reward.  "Come along Pet, it's ready for you."

"You're naked."  Good one Chris, way to state the obvious.  But he almost never showered with me.  He'd done it the first time we'd played but not since.

"And you're not."  He lifted my shirt off and slipped his hands into my briefs to push them down.  "You're right, you need a shower."

"Thanks" I mumbled.  As if I didn't know how ripe I was.

"The steam may be good for your sinuses but let's try not to get too much water in your ears.  Tip your head back Pet."

He shampooed my hair and I was literally leaning against the wall by the time he was done.  Getting your hair washed is one of the most erotic and pleasurable things on the planet.  He took care of everything and before long I was wrapped in one of the fluffy white towels and being carried to bed.

"You don't need to sleep in your cuffs."

"I'll take them off later but I'd like them if it's okay."  I didn't know why but they were a bit like a childhood stuffed animal; they were comforting and I needed all the comfort I could get.

He slipped under the covers to keep me warm and I couldn't help but giggle when the blanket moved.  He did my ankles first, then ran his hands all over me before finally doing my wrists.  He lay down behind me then and whispered into my ear "I'm going to have you when I get home, sick or not.  Feel free to pretend to be asleep, I don't require you to expend any energy."  He mouthed my shoulder, working his teeth along it from the inside out.

"Yes Sir."

"Get some rest Pet, I'll be back soon."

Boy Meets Love [3]  D/s BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now