Chapter 23

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The following week

Shawn's POV

I was dreading to tomorrow. Tomorrow was our day in Toronto.

Meaning I had to go home and see my family, which was exciting because I miss them so much, it also increases the chances of me running into the person I do not want to run into, yet the person I'm craving to see the most.

I should have never told the interview I didn't know who she was. I could've just said she was a friend or something, god I'm so dumb.

All of us boys boarded the plane and we're off to Toronto.

I also didn't want Cameron to take up his idea of getting his hands on her, especially since he knows me and her aren't on good terms right now.

*Three Hours Later*

We landed in Toronto and we all went to the hotel. I was still going to be staying at the hotel, our manager wants us to all stay together in one area so he an know where we are.

I was going to go over to my house today at 4:00pm and it's now 2 o'clock.

I decided to just relax for a few before I went home. I scrolled through Twitter, scrolling through my mentions, favoriting some, but not replying.

But then one caught my eye

@simplymendes (random user lol) "I can't believe you would lie about being with @shawnmendes, @brookecollins"

and another

@purplemendes (again, random user lol) "@brookecollins why would you lie about knowing @shawnmendes personally"

I felt awful, she never took hate well, and now I caused her a whole bunch of it. I clicked on her account and saw she hadn't tweeted in 5 Days and her last tweet read

"thank you, didn't think you could break me even more than you already did"

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, pulling at the ends slightly.

I locked my phone and through it on the bed before I sat at the end of the bed with my head in my hands.

I sat like this for a good maybe fifteen minutes just thinking about everything that has gone down in the past month and a half.

Suddenly a hand rested on my shoulder causing my head to shoot up, seeing a confused Jack Gilinsky.

"Holy shit, Jack. You scared me so bad!" I laughed.

He laughed. "Sorry Shawny Boy!" his smile faded and he sat next to me. "What's up man? You look stressed out."

"I am." I said blankly.

"Why's that?"

"I fucked things up."

"What happened?"

"I lost someone who meant the most to me, I just let her slip out of my finger tips, I thought I was doing the right thing but I only ended up hurting us both. I really messed up, I would do anything to go back and change things."

"Dude, she obviously cares about you, and you I know you care about her, hell I know you love her. Why don't you just try to give it a second chance, work things out? You may not be able to change the past but you can definitely change the future."

"I do love her. So much."

"I can tell man, and I'm sure she loves you just as much as you love her."

"When did Jack Gilinsky become a love expert?" I laughed trying to lighten the mood.

He laughed back. "Now go get her back!" he said motioning to the door.

"Thank you Man, it means a lot."

I ran out the door, taking a quick look in the mirror making sure I looked alright and not a mess.

I ran down the stairs and called an Uber.

He drove me to my house, but I didn't go to my house, I went to the one next door.

My hands were shaky and I my stomach was doing flips as I walked up onto the front porch of her house.

I noticed only her car was in the drive way, perfect. That means I can talk to her alone.

I rang the door bell and shoved my hands into my pockets to keep them from showing how nervous I was.

I heard the door unlock and quickly swing open.

"Shawn?" she said softly, looking at me with a confused look on her face.

"Hey" I said slightly giving her a smile.

Her confused expression was quickly over replaced with a look not so much of anger... maybe disappointment?

I don't know, but what I do know is my heart it slowly breaking into more and more pieces, why did I have this image in my head that I would come here and everything would just be okay, no questions asked, we could just hold each other and mend all our broken pieces back together, but that doesn't seem to be the way this is going to go down.

"Why are you here?" She said crossing her arms.

"I needed to apologize for everything."

She scoffed. "Apologizing isn't going to fix anything Shawn" I should've seen that coming. "Please" her voice cracked and tears quickly threatened to fall from her eyes. "Please, just go."

My heart once again broke into a million pieces. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream out to her, tell her how much I loved her, how much I needed to have her life my life, how much I didn't want to be with anyone else, tell her I can't go another day knowing that she's unhappy and broken, because of me. I want to fix the damage I caused and I want to see her smile again, I wanted to tell her I miss holding her close to me, late night conversations, silly, cheesy dates. I wanted to tell her she was my everything, and that I was nothing without her.

But I just couldn't get the words out.

"Please" my voice cracked "I need you"

"Last time I checked you apparently didn't even know who I was, Shawn!" she raised her voice as more tears fell down her cheeks. "That hurt me, made me feel like I meant nothing to you, like I was just another girl to you."

"Brooke, please, you are so much more to me, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm reall—"

"Shawn, don't apologize, just leave, like I said before apologizing isn't going to fix anything."

"Maybe not, but it's a place to start."

Twisted Fate // Shawn MendesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora