Chapter Thirteen

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A strong hand clasped her upper arm, forcing her to look at the man at her side and he walked her out of the room, waving away anyone's attention.

"Perhaps you would like a private room, Your Highness?" one of the hosts asked.

"Probably a good idea," Khalaf noted, not giving Olivia any choice but to follow into a private room, where the door shut, leaving them alone. She wrenched her arm free, hugging them tightly as she watched him warily.

Closing his eyes briefly, he raked a hand through his hair, to drop in offer. "Olivia, I know I made a mistake where you were concerned."

"You chose a city over me," she said. What was she saying? She knew how important his past was to him and what it meant to find out the truth. She lowered her head. "You let David dictate to you, you of all people," she finally admitted the truth.

"Habibti, you have been running circles around me since the day I met you, leaping through hoops to keep you at my side," he corrected to be eyed.

"Then why did you let me go?"

"I did not, you just got up and walked away from me. Why did you not tell David to go to hell and stay with me?" Her mouth dropped open, ready to protest, frowning instead. Why didn't she? Why hadn't she fought for them? Because she didn't believe in them. Who was she in reality? Certainly not a princess-worthy enough to marry a King. She had been hiding from the world in the shelter of his arms and home.

"I was never good enough for someone like you," she whispered.

Khalaf frowned although stepped nearer, closing the distance. "Who said so?"

"Everyone. You by keeping us separated. Your family despised me. David, by threatening you with your prized procession." She closed her eyes in pain as tears welled. "I wanted what my parents had, an everlasting love, and look how well that turned out." She turned away wiping at the tears that seeped free. "Oh great, now I'm a mess," she groaned, glaring at her smudged hand.

Gentle hands rested on her shoulders. "You never loved him."

"I know that and I wasn't talking about him."

"Look at me, Olivia." She turned to him at his commanding tone, cheeks streaked with mascara, eyes red from crying. He cradled her face in his hands. "The biggest mistake I made in my life was not going after you. At first, I was angry at you for leaving me. Then realised, I had to sort out my own issues before I could offer you a safe and loving home. Decisions had to made and my family had to also be happy with my decisions." He gave a wary smile. "There were many family conferences. They are here to prove to you that they approve of my choice. I love you, Olivia, always have, from spitting at me to your ridiculous milk baths..."

"That's very good for the skin," she sniffed, then blinked stunned as the words sunk in. "You love me?"

"Yes, I love you, and can't live without you."

She blinked again. "You can't? Then why didn't you ask me to stay? I just wanted to be asked. You weren't even there. Gone without saying a word. Where were you?"

"In the States, collecting the twins. I did expect you to be there when I got back and told your brother it was your choice, not mine.

"Prove it." Her eyes widened as he dropped to bended knee. No, this wasn't happening. Her whole body began to shake. "Khalaf," she breathed. "You can't, you need a princess, not me."

"I had not planned this, not here, not now, but as usual you push the issues, Olivia Jones."

"Then don't," she dropped down to his level and took his beloved face into her hands and kissed him. "That is what I meant."

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