"I'll jump in front of a train for you"

Start from the beginning

Running in crying you fell to your knees next to him as the doctors walked out to give you some space. Placing your head on his chest you didn't hear a heart beat. You shook him lightly with desperation to wake him up but new he would never open his eyes. You sat there crying your eyes out next to your one true love.

"H-hey, don't cry I'm fine!"


The beach is lovely and dangerous and this summer you were determine to ride the biggest wave ever to hit this beach. Aomine had drove you to the beach since he would stand your begging and was now regretting it at one glance of a wave. The waves were dozens of feet high and when they crashed down it looked like they could of been the reason why the dinosaurs died.

"You sure about this?" Aomine asked for the first time sounding a bit nervous while holding your surfboard as you tied you hair back.

"Defiantly, after all these waves can't beat me as no one can beat you," You said the mumbled with a smile. "Except Kagami and Kuroko."

You grabbed your board and swam off into the ocean with Aomine looking for you each time you went under a wave to doge it. After a few minutes you spotted the biggest wave and immediately you took action. You got ready to surf it but slipped on you board and fell with a scream, Aomine of course head and ripped off his shirt and dived in to find you. He swam under and searched for you and soon spotted you bobbing on the surface of the water trying to stay afloat. He swam over and helped you get to a place were you could stand but before he could get you a wave dragged him out to sea and a wave crashed over his head.

"Aoime!!" Your scream echoed. "This isn't funny!"

Aomine was gone.

"Love ya you big baby and I guess I have to always watch over you."

Kuroko (Titanic man)


"Please get to the emergency escape boats quickly but stay calm everything is going to be okay," The captain said into the speakers.

You and Kuroko were on a cruise but the boat wasn't made well and was sinking quickly, never ride a cruise that looks good on the inside and out. All around you familys and people were rushing with scared looks on their faces all going to the boarders of the ship were the boats were located. You and Kuroko followed the crowd Kuroko's hand gripped yours tightly making you feel safe.

When you got to the boats many of them were already pack and were being lowered to the sea. One boat left and the water was already seen and it was tipping onto the side going head first down into the water. Kuroko strapped you into the last float vest thingy and weakly smiled at your face.

"Its going to be okay," He whispered into your ear.

The last boat dropped with you in it but not Kuroko. You could make out his image on the top of the boat like a ghost sadly smiling. He will remember your face forever and cherish it. You watched as the boat sunk into the Pacific with Kuroko on it.

Years later...

"Your daddy was amazing and kind, you wold of loved him sweetheart," You sweetly said replacing the flowers on Kuroko's grave.

"Mommy can I put this daisy here too?" You sweet angel asked and she held up a pretty white flower.

You nodded with a smile and held back your tear as she place the flower gently on his grave and said.

"I wish you were here with mommy daddy, shes very sad without you and I don't want her getting sick."

That afternoon you sat next to Kuroko's grave crying and hugging your daughter tightly.

"You aren't alone (f/n), I'll always be there by your side."

Murasakibara(I cannot make him die but oh well bye bye)

Fire erupted in the house and you were stuck in your bedroom. The smoke was horrible to your eye sight and you were breathing in to much of it. Black dots started to form in your eyes  when the door bursted opened.

"(F/n)!" You heard a voice scream over the sirens.

Strong large arms picked you up and thumped down the stairs but right before you and Murasakibara were out the door the ceiling collapsed falling on him and catching on fire. You were tossed out the open door by him and were safely outside in the safe arms of fire fighters.

You passed out from the smoke and before you were completely asleep you whispered.


When you woke up in the hospital all the past smashed into you and tears were dripping down your face. Murasakibara was dead and saved you before he did. You were still in your clothes from before that was covered I ash and you stuck your hand into you pocket felling something squarish. You pulled out a black box and opened it and inside was a diamond ring. You held it closely to your heart and cried yourself to sleep.

"(F/n) would you like to marry me?"


my hand slipped on the keys oops
lmao yall r crying and im over here laughing at ur comments sorry lol

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