Chapter 10 - LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

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Len's POV

It's 3 AM.

I'm in his house. Next to his bed. He's soundly asleep.

A bat is in my right hand. I'm holding it high above my head.

I'm swinging with it and hitting his head strongly. Now I'm sure he won't wake up when I pick him up.

Although he's very heavy, I'll have problems with taking him to the right place.

But, no matter what, it'll happen.


Rin's POV


I don't remember when I used words like that before. But this situation really demanded it.

"LISTEN TO US, RIN!!!" Gumi was shouting with the same enthusiasm as me. "WHY ARE YOU CONSTANTLY DENYING OUR WORDS??!!"


This morning, Gumi, Gakupo, Luka, Meiko and Ia came to my house without saying anything to me before. They just appeared in front of the doors.

And it seems like they came to annoy me. They wanted to talk about my behavior and thoughts lately. As if I'm doing something wrong... It's all Len's fault after all!

"YOU BOTH CALM DOWN!!!" Meiko stood between the two of us as we almost started to fight.

Gakupo was leaning against the wall. Ia and Luka were sitting on the couch. I sat back on my sofa trying to cool my head. Gumi sat on tabouret again, and Meiko stayed there between Gumi and me in case we sart fighting again.

Gumi opened mouth to say another bullshit, but Ia started speaking first.

"Rin-chan, you really don't understand what you are doing, do you?" her voice, compared to Gumi's a few moments ago, was very calm. She didn't show any emotion.

"The one who doesn't understand is you" I said and looked everybody in the eyes.

"Miku said it was bad, but I didn't expect it to be like this..." she said.

"Oh, I wouldn't expect for you to understand" I stated. Ia started to irritate me a lot. "I don't remember you showing your emotions ever! Of course you wouldn't understand, you are like an emotionless robot!"

She sat there with half opened mouth. Everybody was silent and they looked at me and Ia.

Ia lowered her head and I couldn't see her eyes. She stood up and opened the doors so loudly, they hit the wall and made an exploding sound.

"Ia!" Gumi shouted after her.

She turned her head towards us. Her face was already wet of tears.

"Well, an emotionless robot has nothing to do here anyway" she said, stepped outside and slammed the doors.

Nobody moved for a while. Gumi was the first one to do something.

"Rin...!" she was restraining her anger. Then, she too, stood up. "How can you be so mean to her?! You aren't Rin that I knew before!"

She left the house as well.

I stayed calm because I literally didn't give a fuck about them. Gakupo, Luka, Meiko and I were still here.

Suddenly, Meiko asked Gakupo:

"Where's Kaito? He should have came here already! You told him about this, didn't you?"

Gakupo shook his head.

"I have no idea. He won't respond to my messages and calls. He wasn't at home either."

"That guy really likes going somewhere without telling anyone about it" she sighed, and turned back to me. "Rin, really..."

Finally Luka started speaking after all this time.

"Rin-chan... I've told you to ask me for any help."

I smiled. "It's not like 'toluene' is needed."

"But she is, as you can see from all of this"

My smile disappeared. "I'm perfectly fine, and you aren't. Stop acting as you know something! 'Antichlorobenzene' can do everything on her own!"

"'Antichlorobenzene' is weak and thinks everythong should be looked at as black and white, but she can't help herself alone! Just like 'paradichlorobenzene'!"

Meiko and Gakupo looked so confused, they didn't know whyt 'toluene', 'antichlorobenzene' and 'paradichlorobenzene' mean.

"'Paradichlorobenzene' shouldn't exist at all! He's a rotten creature!" I knew I was right. "He's a monster!"

"So is 'antichlorobenzene'!" this was the first time in my life that I've seen Luka shouting.

'Antichlorobenzene' is savior! She'll save everybody from 'paradichlorobenzene'! But they don't understand 'antichlorobenzene'...

"YOU SHOULD ALL FUCKING DISAPPEAR!!! I DON'T NEED ANYBODY!!!" I was shouting the best I could.

I ran out the house.

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