14-10-2015 Part 2

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So KOI went alright, at the start she had my nanny, dad and me in the room and then I wasn't speaking so my nanny and dad left and we talked and she just asked basic questions to get to know me and she said they would help with asking Tech to use male pronouns and then she explained what the process is and everything like that. She then brought my nanny and dad back in once there was only 15mins left and she explained hormone blockers and in my case testosterone, Real life experience so like using male pronouns in every aspect of my life so at home and outside of home which was good and then Im kinda hoping my nanny or dad will bring that up with me so they can start using male pronouns.
I also found out what my nanny and dad actually think about me being transgender and my dad is completely supportive my nanny is supportive but for my sake wished that I wasn't becuase she is worried about my future but she supports me as she says.
My next appointment at KOI will be roughly in a month and then my next appointment at CAHMS is on the 27th November so until then or if something happens before then 🐯

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