Idiots With an Idea

Start from the beginning

Amy hates being thrown out of bed. I know this because one time, when we were little, we had to share a bed. Long story short I had a nightmare and kicked a little bit and she fell out of bed. I woke up on the floor with two black eyes and a very sore butt. Amy grabbed Romeo by the scruff of his neck, threw him off the bed and into a wall (she's very strong) and went back to bed. The girls that were still in the room had their jaws to the ground with shock. That's when I got up and ushered them out of the room and shut the door. I let out a deep sigh and looked at Amy. She looked so peacefully but we all knew she was deadly. I decided to get dressed so I put on a white button up shirt, red and gold skirt, and black high heels. I'm short I need them to feel normal. I walked over to where Romeo was collapsed on the floor and there was a fresh huge hole in the wall. At this point he had transformed back into baby kitty. I crouched down next to Romeo and picked up Squawky. 

"You do know that this is all your fault right?" He nodded and looked sad. Awe I pulled him in for a big bear hug. I heard all the air leave his body, it sounded like WHOOOSH. I heard Amy get up and walk over to where I was sitting on the floor. She picked up Romeo smacked his nose and put him on her shoulder. Then she got dressed in basically the same outfit as me but she put on her high tops. Lucky tall people. She glanced over at me and smiled.

"Come on Vicky let's go learn something." I got up and ran to the door. I GET TO SEE MY FREDY!!! I heard her laughing behind me. So what if I act like a child sometimes or all the time. I got to the railing and saw Fred and George waiting for us. I rode down on the railing and leaped into Fred's arms. Well that was the plan but he wasn't paying attention so I fell to the floor. Fred rushed over to me.

"Are you ok Vicky?" I looked up at him and poked his nose.

"Poke a dot." We both starting laughing and he helped me up. I was about to hug him when I saw George put his arm around Amy's shoulders. Fred was leaning in for a kiss but I stopped him. "When the hell did this happen?" I asked. Amy and George looked at me like 'what'.

"When what happened Vic?" Amy asked me in a mock innocent voice. I narrowed my eyes at her and walked over to them. I pointed to George's arm.

"This." I said. George looked at his arm.

"Oh this. This happened about 16 years ago at birth." George said with a huge smile. "But the growth of the arm happened over time." He and Amy started laughing while I growled at them.

"Amy you and I promised that we would tell each other when we got boyfriends." She rolled her eyes.

"Vicky meet George my boyfriend. Better?" I smiled and grabbed Fred's arm.

"Yes much better." I said while we all started walking towards the door. Fred stopped and grabbed an old looking book off the table. "Fred whats that book?" He looked over at me.

"Well its a book of potions." He looked over at George who was trying not to smile. Amy noticed.

"Why do you two need a potions book?" Amy asked George while we waited for the stairs. George looked at Fred, then back to Amy.

"Well to study of course." Fred slapped his head and cursed under his breath. Amy just looked at George.

"Study?" George nodded looking away from Amy. "Ok." She said glancing over at me. She gave me 'I don't believe him' look. Then she looked at the book then at me. Ohhh I get it. I tapped on Fred's shoulder and looked at me. I smiled at him then grabbed the book and tossed it to Amy. She quickly opened it then looked at George. "Really George." She said looking at the book.

"I know aging potions are risky but it me and Fred really need one." George said quickly. Amy and I started laughing and Fred looked like he was two seconds away from beating George with a candlestick.

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